Mirror's Edge Catalyst

Mirror's Edge Catalyst

released on Jun 07, 2016

Mirror's Edge Catalyst

released on Jun 07, 2016

Mirror's Edge Catalyst is an action-adventure game and the prequel to Mirror's Edge. The story in the game explores the past of the protagonist Faith. Like in the previous game, the main gameplay in Mirror's Edge Catalyst involves traversing the city using parkour to reach certain objectives. Unlike the linear levels in Mirror's Edge, Mirror's Edge Catalyst features an open-world free-roaming environment. Combat has been overhauled and emphasized compared to the first game and Catalyst no longer allows the player to use weapons, instead focusing on melee attacks.

Also in series

Mirror's Edge
Mirror's Edge
Mirror's Edge
Mirror's Edge

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احا لا بالحق احا
كيف جزء ثاني ياخذ حاجة وحدة بس كويسة من الجزء الاول - وهي التحكم الممتاز- ويحذف وينقص من مستوى باقي عناصر اللعبة، تصميم مراحل سيء ومكرر، مافيش تطوير للقتال بالاسلحة، القتال نفسه ممل ومكرر، المرحلة الاخيرة بايخة، ولما حبوا يضيفوا شيء جديد اضافوا عالم مفتوح، حرفيا اسوأ جزء ثاني لوحدة من احسن الالعاب عندي واللي عدتها مرتين من كثرة حبي لها

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Generally, this is a more polished version of the first game. Everything has been refined and made better, with interesting new abilities and tools at your disposal. The one area that just fell off was the level design, which sucks because that's what made the first games of parkour so great. A lot of the time, there is only one real path to take to get to the objective, unlike the first game. This makes you take the same path every time, making the game a lot more stale than it should be. It really hurts the whole experience especially as it's an open-world game, where you expect it to be a lot more creative with its path taking. The story still isn't anything special and that's expected, but all the atmosphere is still there and in full effect. Although still a fun experience and more great Mirror's Edge, the lack of a great map takes the experience down a notch and makes this game a worse sequel.

The world design is still beautiful, and Faith is still cool, but the open world aspect just doesn't gel. While doing short jobs fits the occupation of Faith well, they feel like the filler content they are, and it even lesses the positives of the main missions. Dropped 5 hours in or so. Perhaps if this was the first game in the series I would have beaten it, but it being a step back hurt too much.

Primeira vez que vi os gráficos desse jogo eu me assustei de tão realistas que eles eram e ainda são!
Acho que e o único jogo que me passa essa sensação de imersão!
A jogabilidade e muito divertido o combate e bem diferenciando e interessante, e o parkour? Minha nossa é perfeito!
A história tbm e bem legal, e a imersão e muito grande!

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