Mirror's Edge

released on Nov 11, 2008

In a perfect city, were crime is no more and where everything is monitored, you play as Faith; a courier who transports packages via the open rooftops of the city. These "couriers" are known as runners. Murder has come to this city, and now you are being hunted...

Also in series

Mirror's Edge Catalyst
Mirror's Edge Catalyst
Mirror's Edge
Mirror's Edge

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One of my absolute favorites.
No other game has yet nailed parkour as this one. Even it's sequel I found disappointing.
Pristine visual direction.
Musical perfection.
A somewhat short story, that is almost perfect in its technical progression.
Always an absolute treat.

I haven't finished Mirror's Edge because it felt too repetitive and too long to me but the core gameplay mechanics were definitely solid. I was like "There is a good core foundation here, if they can work on it a bit more, we can have a great game."

Well, I think we all know how that turned out to be, right? LMAO. Classic EA. And Dice I think.

A lot of the magic of this game has faded with age but when you get moving and you're parkouring over and under things, Mirror's Edge still kinda rules. It has that Sonic in 3D issue though where the game loves to get in the way of doing that a lot. It's very short which, in hindsight now, is probably a good thing for this game as it feels barely on the rails by the end of the game. A longer experience would probably be very bad for this game at this point.

That being said, Mirror's Edge has enough good things still going for it to make up for the flaws.

Nan le flow de fou. Gameplay super smooth, jeu simple graphiquement mais superbe, j’aurais aimé le speedrun

One of a kind game. The story is pretty slapdash and nothing to write home about but the gameplay and world design are like no other. The act of jumping in this game alone elicits more of an emotional reaction out of me than a lot of other entire games. All in all the game is a unique little package that is a must play in my opinion.