My Boyfriend

My Boyfriend

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My Boyfriend

releases on TBD

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The title is not a attempt as click-bait, my emulator decided to be rid of this game and I am so glad that it did!

The game was just so terrible and treated the protagonist like a massive airhead to the point that she doesn't know a fairly well-known term "Rehearsal" and needs to look up to learn that the love interest I chose her meant that he was practicing he was in a band, because, you know, this game assumes you're fucking so damn stupid (and in turn, girls in general considering it's intended audience) that you need to look these things up as if you never would've come across the term ANYWHERE else before!

This was so painful, but I did give it my all and then hurled it into that trash pile!

I was so glad that my emulator decided to commit suicide and allowed me to move on to brighter and hopefully better games. Like the Disney Princess game.


My boyfriend Dagoba is a vapid prick and I hate him. Let me date Vanessa.