Skate Park City

Skate Park City

released on Aug 04, 2008

Skate Park City

released on Aug 04, 2008

Skate Park City draws on the very best elements of the great Tony Hawk and Jet Set Radio series fused with its own unique ingredients to make it the coolest, most creative and downright fun skateboarding game seen on any platform. Available on the Sony PSP you can play it whenever and wherever you want - go skating on the train, in a plane and even create your very own skate park in the city!

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I was excited to finally check this game out, and I'm sad to say that I am quite disappointed by it. It's a Tony Hawk clone with Jet Set Radio-esque visuals and music, and this sounds like a slam dunk idea for me, but in practice, it's a sluggish, laggy, and lifeless game.

The skateboarding controls feel quite floaty and inaccurate, and thus not very satisfying. There's some neat mechanics that makes it a bit more interesting, but they don't feel good to play. I do think the level designs are pretty decent.

While the game does try to mimic the Jet Set Radio colorful art style, the texture quality, resolution and LOD draw distance are quite bad, resulting in a blurry mess that might be one of the worst looking games on the PSP. It's hard to see what you're doing sometimes, which is an absolute no-no for a fast paced game like this. The game also doesn't run that great on original hardware, even when I overclock the CPU.

The soundtrack seems to be content with being merely noise in the background. There's nothing that makes me want to stop for a second and hear them out, it's so bland.

There's not much to enjoy here. I suggest you to just go play the Jet Set Radio games instead, you'll have a much better time with them, even if they can be pretty janky.

Functional tony hawk clone filled with gimmicks that start charming enough but quickly get annoying as FUCK
The difficutly curve is all over the place too.
Could have been a great game with the fat trimmed down, but as it is its sadly mediocre to bad

Uma cópia de tony hawk e jet set radio só que muito ruim

Da pra jogar? Da

A física é mto tosca a gameplay esquisita os personagens com um total de 0 carisma e a história e ambientação são extremamente genéricas

De fato um dos jogos ja lançados.