Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin

Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin

released on Mar 18, 2022

Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin

released on Mar 18, 2022

Jack and his allies, Ash and Jed, burn with resolve to defeat Chaos as they throw open the gates to the Chaos Shrine. Yet doubts remain—are they truly the Warriors of Light the prophecy foretold? Step into a world of dark fantasy and revel in the exhilarating, action-packed battles!

Also in series

Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail
Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
Final Fantasy XVI
Final Fantasy XVI
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker
Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker

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This game is peak, the combat is fun asf and there’s tons of different weapons and classes you can choose from which spices up the gameplay. The levels are all solid and super neat callbacks to previous games, they are a lil linear however which some may consider a flaw. Enemies are also reused a lot but I didn’t mind that much. Last thing I have to say is that contrary to public opinion this game doesn’t feel like a souls game at all, to me it feels more like a GoW game but I digress.

I also gotta say the narrative is pretty cool if yk what’s going on, the execution isn’t perfect but it’s Nomura so you should alr expect this 😭🙏🏽

Overall would recommend if you like GoW combat and especially if you are a big Ff fan.

Stranger of Paradise was an okay game to me. Would've definitely been better if I wasn't ass at video games and this game really made sure I wouldn't touch a Souls game for my entire life.

The story was a bit too confusing honestly. I still genuinely have no idea what happened. Maybe I just don't have braincells. But let's be honest it's kinda fitting with Chaos. Because the story is chaotic. It's quite in theme, and that is kinda based ngl.

Aside from that I liked the characters, although I did have a love hate relationship with Jack but he was mostly awesome towards the end. I loved his stupid grunts and his ''I don't give a fuck who you are'' moments.

What I loved most about this game was the designs and the music. I could easily see even just from the level picture which FF it was inspired from and that was awesome. All the jobs were fun to see, although I didn't try them all because Dragoon was all I needed lol. I did enjoy warrior and breaker though.

Anyway. Play this if you can handle souls games, unlike me lmao.

edit : after putting my brain to work and having people tell me I mostly figured the story out... it's pretty awesome actually.

A história é um desastre, nada do jogo conecta direito, roda bem mal, é bem feio, as roupas são horríveis, meio que não tem uma "linha" que conecte o jogo

a gameplay é divertida e tem bastante classe classica de final fantasy e bastante fanservice

muitas vezes mesmo eu ri do jogo, gargalhadas, mas nunca com ele, infelizmente. O cast é terrível e o texto sofrível

em tempo: tetsuya nomura deveria estar na CADEIA

Gameplay excellent merci team ninja et histoire aux premiers abords incomprehensible mais au fur et a mesure elle devient très intéressante

I really only knew about the game as the funny killing Chaos meme game before I started playing it so I was genuinely surprised when it turned out to be a souls-like (I was expecting something more akin to FF13 or 15) though I suppose it's meant to be more like Nioh since it was apparently built on the same engine as the sequel.

The gameplay mechanics took some getting used to but I found it enjoyable on the whole even if there were several stumbling blocks. Most of the bosses didn't take more than one or two tries to clear but the first fiend boss fight against Tiamat was a huge wake up call for actually learning to use the magic-absorb parry effectively; other than that it was just pattern learning and sometimes switching to a better job set, I felt compelled to try and at least fill out the skill tree for all the jobs starting with the ones that seemed like they'd be clunkier at first which only felt somewhat worth it in the long run.

Some of the mechanics like the weapon upgrades/effects tinkering felt like it wasn't really worth looking into either just because of the sheer volume of equipment drops you go through on each level and how you're always finding higher base level stuff that way, maybe it would have some use if you do a good amount of the postgame chaos difficulty mode but I didn't really feel like doing more than a few hours of that. I also only did a tiny bit of the online co-op mode but it seemed neat enough.

Speaking of postgame, despite how much of a s***post this game tends to be seen as I did feel like I enjoyed the ending more than I was expecting. I'd say it's worth checking out if you like games with that style of gameplay or are a fan of the series, since the story is pretty much a continuation of the weird edgy lore retcon-expansion for the world of FF1 that started in Dissidia, though as implied at the start of this paragraph I found that this game executes that a lot better.

As an action game fan, this is some of the most fun I've had playing one. The gameplay is a soulslike that mixes some of my favourite elements from God of War, Sekiro, Elden Ring and of course Final Fantasy.

The only reason why I can't give this game 5 stars is because while I like the story, which is much better than FF1, it's not peak level.