Super Princess Peach

Super Princess Peach

released on Oct 20, 2005

Super Princess Peach

released on Oct 20, 2005

Princess Power! Bowser's up to no good again...but this time, it's Princess Peach to the rescue! When Mario, Luigi, and the Mushroom Castle Toads get kidnapped it's up to Peach and her magical umbrella to save them.

Also in series

Princess Peach: Showtime!
Princess Peach: Showtime!
Super Princess Peach: Parasol Fall
Super Princess Peach: Parasol Fall

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J'en garde de très bons souvenirs.

So, why would I choose to play this game first over Super Mario World or Super Mario Bros 3?

I don't know, it just looked interesting and, basically no one ever talks about it, and, well.

I had a pretty fun time with it! It's a pretty enjoyable little game.

Peach controls really great, the variety of moves she has and the ones you unlock make her feel really capable and fun to control.

The levels are, very serviceable, if a bit forgettable, though in all honesty, 2D mario games don't really have very memorable levels in general, I mean, who can remember 3-2 from SMB 1 or, 5-3 from New Super Mario Bros U? It's basically the same case here.

The artstyle is, super cute! It feels like what an original Mario game would've looked like on the GBA and, I say that very much as a compliment, the animations on Perry the umbrella are also so expressive and adorable, I love how the game looks!

And the bosses are pretty fun actually, I enjoyed the bosses.

My main issue with the game is how overly-easy it is, it's closer to Kirby than Mario in difficult, finding all the collectibles doesn't make it any more difficult either so, yeah, I'd recommend you play this game on the side while tackling another, more difficult game, so you can come back to this one when you feel frustrated with the other game.

Overall, really fun and serviceable platformer, I really liked it!

when i was like 11 i actually sprained my thumb from how furiously i played this game. had to go to physiotherapy 😭

Playing the better Peach game made me realize how unlikely it was for us to get Super Princess Peach in the first place.

First things first: the game isn't plagued by gimmicky DS controls like half the early DS games, but it simply lets you control the princess' emotions, which play an important role in platforming: by getting angry, Peach can stomp; by crying, you can water plants and so on.

What's so special about this game though? Honestly, not much! The protagonist is cute and the idea is novel, but outside some outstanding levels (like the mansions), I don't really remember much about the game and the levels themselves. I'm sure it works and it controls well enough, controlling emotions is a cool idea and all but it simply cannot carry the game alone. It's an innocuous little game, with wonderful spriting might I add, about a role switch between savior and saved, but that's it.

I wish I had platform sections during my mood swings, but I digress.

Mete guarda chuvada em todo mundo sem pena

Gostei muito desse joguin da peach confesso que fui sem esperar nada e acabei me encantando com tudo nele, sua jogabilidade é gostosa seus gráficos são belos e seus cenários são construídos de forma semelhante aos jogos do Yoshi do SNES e até um pouco ao Super Mario World. No começo eu até ia dar 5 estrelas pra ele, só que teve algumas coisas que me fizeram tirar uns pontos dele e que me incomodaram bastante.

As fases de água são boas, mas passar por elas pode se tornar algo trabalhoso já que você tem que ficar assoprando o microfone do DS pra atacar ou quebrar blocos que estão no seu caminho. Isso até que é engraçado no início e você até da umas risadinha, mas quando vai passando o tempo vai ficando irritante e chato.

Super Princess Peach até tinha tudo pra da certo do início ao fim, só que decidiram colocar checkpoints injustos e te obrigam a coletar TODOS os toads (tipo.. todos mesmo) pra conseguir zerar o jogo. Falando assim até parece algo ok e pode ser legal de fazer pra alguns, mas pra mim isso deixou o jogo terrivelmente CHATO e me fez abandonar o jogo no final.

Então é isso, não cheguei a zerar por conta dessa palhaçada de coletar os Toads mas eu me diverti com o que deu pra jogar! Vale a pena jogar hoje em dia se você sentir interesse só fique atento nesse detalhe ai mesmo se tiver afim de finalizar o game.

O jogo é muito bonitinho artisticamente, músicas, pixel arts e etc.
Jogabilidade boa, não presenciei nenhum defeito na minha gameplay inteira. Só não gostei muito da decisão dos mini-games antes dos bosses e ter que pegar todos os toads para poder terminar o jogo. Tirando isso o jogo é muito legal.