Super Puyo Puyo Tsuu Remix

Super Puyo Puyo Tsuu Remix

released on Feb 01, 1996

Super Puyo Puyo Tsuu Remix

released on Feb 01, 1996

An expanded game of Super Puyo Puyo 2

Super Puyo Puyo 2 Remix is a puzzle action game released by Compile for the Super Famicom. The mayor differences between this "Remix" version and regular Super Puyo Puyo 2 is that you now can play 4 player multiplayer with bots. An Expert course is added to the game and other small minute changes.

Also in series

Comet Summoner
Comet Summoner
Waku-waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon
Waku-waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon
Puyo Puyo Sun
Puyo Puyo Sun
Puyo Puyo Tsuu
Puyo Puyo Tsuu
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine

Released on


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I'm still over here wasting my money on Super Famicom carts, and I've now entered the "only buy CIBs" phase of my illness, which you might note is a breath away from being terminal. Unfortunately, I also suffer a debilitating comorbidity where I habitually buy Puyo Puyo games. My family has begun discussing hospice options.

I didn't have a great time with Puyo Puyo Sun for the Sega Saturn and found it to be somewhat dull given how flat its difficulty curve is. Its Summertime aesthetics keep it on the shelf, but if I want to actually play a Puyo Puyo game, I'm more likely to throw in Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, which I find to be more challenging. Brutal, even. In fact, there's a good chance my perception of Puyo Puyo has been warped by Mean Bean and it's rendered me incapable of valuing the series beyond its capability for dickishness.

Well, good news, Super Puyo Puyo Tsuu Remix is pretty dickish, and that means it's a good Puyo game! I'm not having fun if I'm not stuck on the final boss, watching junk pieces come down with precision timing to choke off combos I've been setting up. Oh, half the screen is full now - that's nice, this match has only been going on for ummm.... ten seconds.

That's just what I like to call peak Puyo. Because you're always playing at the peak of your well.

I'm not being entirely fair to Remix here, because I do think its difficulty pacing is overall better than Mean Bean Machine. I was able to beat the game on normal difficulty with some perseverance, whereas Mean Bean has been an unclimbable wall on any difficulty level other than easy. I think this actually puts Remix in the sweet spot for me. Just hard enough to be engaging but not so insane as to be unwinnable.

It's also just cute as hell. Arle is such a great character, I genuinely felt bad beating Cait Sith. It's a shame I can't read any of this dialog, but the animations and overall presentation of Remix is fun. Even the box itself looks good, the manual is packed full of great character art, and it came with a foil sticker to celebrate the first printing that I swear hasn't been touched. I managed to grab a pristine copy for about 27$, which is only a few bucks more than a complete copy of the base Puyo Puyo Tsuu will run you, which lacks the expert mode and practice course introduced in Remix. Not a bad price if you're looking to build your own CIB collection, and it's just a damn fun game, too.

this game is great! idk why this version is so obscure compared to the other one. the expert mode is a really good addition too! very fun

Bonjour ! Je suis une collectionneuse, et je me procure parfois des jeux japonais. Ce jeu, je l'ai eu car j'avoue, il est pas bien chère de nos jours... J'y ai joué sur vraie console attention ! Alors voilà, voici mon avis sur ce jeu.

C'est une licence populaire au Japon, et compétitif. Tout a commencé avec lui. Il y a des nouvelles mécaniques dans ce jeu devenu indispensable comme le fait de pouvoir parer les attaques de son adversaire ! Le gameplay en devient alors très amusant, ce qui explique son succès. Malheureusement, c'est un jeu assez répétitif au final, alors je vous conseille le mode multi.

On trouve dans ce jeu, une histoire drôle. Le méchant du jeu est en réalité amoureux de Arle, la protagoniste ! Il veut alors avoir un rendez-vous avec elle grâce à ses plans machiavéliques ! Mais peu de personnes savent ça, car le jeu est en japonnais. Les gens se plaignent que c'est en japonnais, mais il faut remettre le jeu dans le contexte. Il n'est sortie qu'au Japon. C'est aussi un vieux jeu, 1995 quand même ! Et vous pouvez trouver des traductions non-officiels de jeu !

Sinon il est plutôt jolie, et les musiques sont entrainantes.

Si vous voulez y jouer, je vous conseille de faire ça de temps en temps. Pour aujourd'hui, c'est un bon jeu pour les joueurs occasionnels.