Tecmo Bowl

Tecmo Bowl

released on Feb 01, 1989
by Tecmo

Tecmo Bowl

released on Feb 01, 1989
by Tecmo

A port of Tecmo Bowl

NES port of Tecmo Bowl. Through the NFLPA license, each roster mimics that of the NFL team based out of the same city or state. Tecmo Bowl only uses players from twelve of the best and most popular teams of the time. Two NES versions were released in the U.S. The first is identified by its black and gold seal of quality, Eric Dickerson as running back, and Albert Bentley as a kick returner for Indianapolis. The second is identified by its white and gold seal, Albert Bentley as running back, and Clarence Verdin as a kick returner.

Also in series

Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff
Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff
Tecmo Super Bowl III: Final Edition
Tecmo Super Bowl III: Final Edition
Tecmo Super Bowl II: Special Edition
Tecmo Super Bowl II: Special Edition
Tecmo Super Bowl
Tecmo Super Bowl
Tecmo Bowl
Tecmo Bowl

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Aprendi a jogar futebol americano no Megadrive, com um dos jogos que eu tinha no meu na época. Por conta disso, aprendi algumas palavras em inglês e comecei minha jornada de aprender o idioma.

Não sou super fã do esporte, mas gosto dos jogos. E fiquei surpreso como Tecmo Bowl faz um bom trabalho no NES de transpor o básico do jogo em um ambiente rudimentar de design (não tão rudimentar, mas 8 bits pra mim ainda é a ambiente de experimentação).

As táticas adicionam um pouco, a movimentação é bacana e consegui em um jogo fazer dois touchdowns. O problema é que tomei quatro, então ainda requer que eu entenda melhor as mecânicas.

Mas o objetivo é conhecer, então provavelmente não devo mais jogá-lo.

Don’t care this shit is amazing. Top 10 NES game.

Boring as hell, but OK by nes sports standards.

I just got this with my NES, and as far as NES sports games go, this is alright. Of course, I know nothing about whatever the fuck football even is, but just messing around and looking I can tell this is quality. As a freebie, I'm not gonna bitch

Eh, ok. A sport game with some nice sprites and touchdown cutscenes giving a nice 8-bit charm. Nothing much to say, sorry. I can tell it's much better than the average Nintendo's NES sport.