The Charnel House Trilogy

The Charnel House Trilogy

released on Apr 16, 2015

The Charnel House Trilogy

released on Apr 16, 2015

Witness The Charnel House Trilogy, the chronicle of one fateful night aboard a train bound for Augur Peak. Three thrilling, horrifying adventure games in one, from the depths of the Sepulchre, starring Madeleine Roux, Peter Willington, Jonathan Grier, Jim Sterling, and Ben Chandler as Grub. With art by Ivan Ulyanov and Ben Chandler, and music by Jack de Quidt, nervous_testpilot and Bryan Henderson.

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so it's supposed to take place in (or at least start in) new york but wow there's a lot of non american accents... or am i wrong about it taking place in new york?? the longer it went on the more i questioned my own sanity, which i guess is appropriate to everything that happens in the game

honestly i loved it, the only mark against it is i feel alex and harold's stories felt... completely separate? like it was just a coincidence they happened to be heading in the same direction, rather than anything meaningful, which i would've also dug if that felt intentional, like if there was a third character instead of the third chapter being about alex again?

which brings us to the third character... kat

hilarious that the game teases a sequel to come out in 2016, but uh that didn't work out i guess ):

hopefully one day the developer manages to finish it! (according to a steam post... end of this year?? seems they've had a lot of Real Life Shit type trouble throughout the years, so i'm pullin for em)

Budete-li předem smířeni s faktem, že nejde o plnohodnotnou hru jako takovou (natož trilogii, ha ha ha), ale o sotva devadesátiminutový prolog k věcem příštím (ty jsou v plánu na rok 2016), tak tomu není co vytknout. Tady jde především (a vlastně i jedině) o příběh, postavy a atmosféru. A v těchto aspektech to exceluje; zvlášť když takto trefit znepokojivou atmosféru gotického horroru vycházejího z "nás, naší minulosti, našich činů a našich strachů" se snad žádné jiné hře zatím nepodařilo. Pravda, důsledkem toho je, že samotné hraní a adventurní prvky jsou až někde na čtvrté koleji právě za výše zmíněným triem trumfů, ale svůj účel to plní na jedničku, ne že ne. Je tedy pouze otázkou, zda to s ohledem na cenu je či není málo...

interesting, albeit a bit disjointed at times- i felt like the two protagonists' stories barely tied into each other, sepulchre just feeling kind of awkwardly jammed in the middle of alex's storyline or vice versa with inhale/exhale being rather out-of-place bookends. despite the occasionally awkward writing the spooky vibes were sooo good and a few moments did make me genuinely uneasy, if augur peak ever makes it out of development hell i'll be really glad because i'm honestly super interested in seeing what these writers can do with a longer game! for now though all i can do is look at the 2016 release date at the end of the credits, laugh, and then get kinda sad immediately afterwards

Great short point-and-click experience with a very unsettling horror story, totally recommend for halloween