so it's supposed to take place in (or at least start in) new york but wow there's a lot of non american accents... or am i wrong about it taking place in new york?? the longer it went on the more i questioned my own sanity, which i guess is appropriate to everything that happens in the game

honestly i loved it, the only mark against it is i feel alex and harold's stories felt... completely separate? like it was just a coincidence they happened to be heading in the same direction, rather than anything meaningful, which i would've also dug if that felt intentional, like if there was a third character instead of the third chapter being about alex again?

which brings us to the third character... kat

hilarious that the game teases a sequel to come out in 2016, but uh that didn't work out i guess ):

hopefully one day the developer manages to finish it! (according to a steam post... end of this year?? seems they've had a lot of Real Life Shit type trouble throughout the years, so i'm pullin for em)

Reviewed on Feb 14, 2024


1 month ago

Hey, thanks for pulling for me. :D Definitely still intend to release the sequel, it's all written and designed and stuff, just need Real Life Shit to ease up so I can work on getting a budget/publisher/whatever route I take and actually making the damn thing.

So re Alex and Harold's stories feeling disjointed, there's a backstory to that. Sepulchre (Lang's story) was created a couple years before, and released as a free game. It now serves as the demo for CHT on Steam. We wanted to do a full, commercial version of the game but didn't want to just expand and retell Lang's story. So we created Alex's story and then decided to put Sepulchre in the middle. You can actually play them in any order though, but I kinda see it as a 'meanwhile' thing between Alex's story.

I feel like if I made it now, I wouldn't call it 'The Charnel House Trilogy' cos I think that muddied the waters a lot. At the time when we put it out, trilogies were all the rage and it was kind of a tongue in cheek reference to that, but a lot of people interpreted the game as being three individual parts (quite reasonably) and it just created needless misdirection haha.

The sequel does absolutely explore a very strong connection between Lang and Alex though. It's mentioned in The Charnel House Trilogy but kinda vaguely. Kat is Alex's best friend, and Lang is Kat's fiancé. They've never met in person before they meet on the platform because Kat's been working away for the last few years and has only been in contact with Alex remotely.

1 month ago

Hey yeah! Honestly, your explanation of how the stories fit together in the context of the time and development makes a lot of sense, and for what it's worth, I did pick up on Kat's relation to Alex and Lang. It looks like I may have left my thoughts unfinished up there. I started using this site as kind of a journal of my voracious backlog consumption, and sometimes I get... distracted while writing. :P

Anyway, I'm more than happy to wait for the sequel to happen in its own time, in whatever form. I'll be there when it does! I'm a game dev, too, and know how hard it is. Still pullin' for ya.

22 days ago

Oh sweet, what do you work on, if you're happy to share? (I'm Child_Dog on Twitter also if you'd prefer to take the convo there as well)

20 days ago

I've worked in the games industry at a few different companies, but would prefer not to say on a public forum specifically where. Big corporations and all. D:

I have aspirations to go indie one day, but, well, money and all that. Mostly just tinker around in Unity on personal projects that never see the light of day.