Ultimate Doom the Way id Did

Ultimate Doom the Way id Did

released on Feb 16, 2019

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Ultimate Doom the Way id Did

released on Feb 16, 2019

A mod for The Ultimate Doom

A custom Doom 1 level pack released in 2019 that takes over the Episode 4 slot of The Ultimate Doom. Created by various mappers from the Doom modding community, 'Ultimate Doom the Way id Did' is an attempt at replicating the style of the various mappers that contributed to the original Episode 4 of Doom and its difficulty. This level pack is 9 maps long, and occupies the entirety of Episode 4. No other new maps occupy the first 3 episodes, and this can be seen as an expansion to 'Doom the Way id Did', released in 2011.

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Beaten on 1/27/23, it only took a few days but this was after constant attempts on the final map saveless and my patience was wearing thin. Eventually I got an attempt to right up to the very end, but ended up dying and cheated in rage (turns out there was some health right behind the corner I died in so I was inches away from saving myself anyway). Glad to have this over with. Beaten specifically on the "Hey, not too rough!" difficulty, pistol starts saveless.

For what it is, UDTWID is really fun and arguably even harder than the OG ep. 4 (read: it is not fun for a mapset to be harder than one of the hardest doom expansions ever made, even on the easy difficulty). Designs are accurate, less flashy than DTWID or D2TWID and it seems the mappers focused more on imitating the classic style of what they were working with back then.

A good majority of the maps here are actually fun, and even on the ones I kept dying to over and over I at least had fun replaying them but E4M8 is such a slog to play saveless (which, yes; I understand is my own doing, that's why I played on an easier difficulty) because of its cryptic nature and brutal end encounters that it kinda turned me off the experience as a whole. After some fisticuffs with Demons on the secret map that I missed, I was finally able to say I beat this epic of a mapset.

Overall, it's another "The Way id Did" mapset. It's going to be harder than the original product. Am I still looking forward to 'Final Doom the Way TeamTNT did'? Yes, albeit with bated breath in fears of what horrors this team will cook up next.