Reviews from

in the past

De uma chance e perderá horas tentando decifrar os enigmas e todos os caminhos secretos.

Not a big fan of the combat but drawing a line in MS paint while i stare at a virtual book is so peak, i love the puzzles and discovering everything on your own

Tunic is a great game with just the right amount of challenge and sense of discovery. The ”true” ending definitely pulled my heart strings and this game overall felt extremely nostalgic. If you like souls games or knowledge based unlocks then you will fall in love with this like I did :)

For some critiques I will say that the gameplay never gets “great” but it is still the good old souls / Zelda combat that we have all grown to love. Tunic’s bosses are also just okay but they always had something about their move-set that was bugging me. I love most of the puzzles but sometimes they just felt way too complicated for me. I was still able to manage the final puzzle regarding the big door on my own once I understood the game’s mechanics better so it’s not that big of a deal.