Reviews from

in the past

Ultimate Gradius Review Part 5.
(Covers Gradius I, II, III, Advance, V, Rebirth, GB Gradius I, GB Gradius II)

Just as Cringe and annoying as Nemesis for the GameBoy. Black and white graphics with an obscure enhanced port for a Japanese/European exclusive collection of Konami games, 5 short stages, with not too much to expand the game’s formula, other than trying to set up an MSX-like storyline and such. I’m disssing this one just like that one, and I’ll never play any GameBoy game again after the downfall of Gradius…

Alright, the game isn’t that bad as I originally thought it would be. In fact, I don’t think this game is bad at all. Sure for a Gradius game like its predecessor, it didn’t need to be put on the GameBoy out of all consoles save it for the GBA, but it really wasn’t that bad! Why, you may ask: Gradius, The Interstellar Assault, otherwise known as:

Nemesis II (Japan, OG GB),/Nemesis II: Return of the Hero (Europe, OG GB)


Gradius II (Japan, GBC Konami Collection)/Gradius II: Return of the Hero (Europe GBC Konami Collection)

…improves on the original GameBoy Gradius/Nemesis (the one with the overused music, just think about that one as that for now on) by having a bit more customization with… the missiles, and that’s it. I’m going to say right off the bat that despite the uniqueness of this game, it’s another one to skip on. This game has the same amount of stages as it’s predecessor with it only having 5, the customization is limited due to the GameBoy’s limitations, and as such, the game is extremely easy. This one is unique because it manages to be Gradius, but barely have the staple elements to what makes this a Gradius game. Just call it Gradius, but it isn't really Gradius. I was going to really think about making an extensive review on this game but... Nah.

I'll save all my energy for Gradius V because that and Gradius ReBirth are my final Gradius games to make a review on! (Well, except for the MSX titles.) Stay tuned for those.