Reviews from

in the past

I really wanted to like this game as a Knights Of The Old Republic fan, but it's a product of its time jumping on the MMO popularity train even though it could have been a genuinely good game if it was a singleplayer RPG. I would have preferred to pay £50 upfront instead of having to buy a subscription just to not be gimped by reduced bonuses and limited space/characters. In it's own enclosed realm it's really not so bad, I remember being quite addicted to it years ago, but once you realize what we sacrificed for this game (KOTOR 3) and how lazy the artstyle and storytelling can feel, you really struggle to appreciate this game. Don't get me wrong it's not terrible, I'm not an MMO player and I still had fun and it has some legitimately good things like Mark Griskey's music and for me personally I enjoyed the Sith Empire being presented as a legitimate and fleshed out political faction rather than just the avatar of evil conquest. The diversity of the 8 classes is pretty well done, the stories are entirely different and I like being able to roleplay however I like (being a Sith Warrior who could be light side and made smart decisions that aren't just "I am evil and will destroy everything" is fun) There's some really great ideas in here that kept me playing long enough to beat the Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior stories twice as well as extensively playing a few of the other class stories (I think having 8 separate campaigns in one game was actually done decently too), but it's not enough when it feels like there's no soul, I feel nothing when I'm landing on new planets or experiencing the story, something the last two Old Republic games did better than anything we've gotten from SW gaming. For MMO and Star Wars fans, maybe this game is great. But a lot of people playing this game were fans of KOTOR and thought they would live up to the brand despite cancelling KOTOR 3 for this. One of the worst offenses for many people actually is how they butchered Darth Revan and the Jedi Exile for the sake of this games lore. It felt very insulting when they gave a half-assed ending to the KOTOR series for the sake of this game which feels like The Old Republic in name only. I mean, the Republic troopers are literally just ripping off clone troopers, the enemy faction has what are basically droidekas, and it has the same sterile monotone atmosphere/direction of the prequel trilogy. For what it's worth, SWTOR is worth playing if you're a Star Wars or MMO fan, it has some genuinely fun aspects about it, just don't go in expecting KOTOR 3 or a game that has the classic Star Wars soul.