Reviews from

in the past

the beginning was so cute, i loved the idea of a summer bucket list and completing it, discovering the town etc, so i wish the game had more of those moments. the way the story was told didn't really pull me in, i would prefer if the story was told in a more casual way instead of the magical elements. my favorite part was completing the bucket list, petting every cat, beating the high score in the arcade, juggling the ball, doing the quizzes, i enjoyed those moments a lot but got super sleepy whenever the spacedive button appeared honestly. spacedive was used too often especially towards the end... also should've been a 5-6 hour game, my playthrough was 13 hours and there were many times where i almost fell asleep BECAUSE I HATED THE SPACEDIVE MECHANIC :(

best indonesian story-based game ever

This game has heart and a lot of good ideas, but doesn’t execute them all well. A lot of the game was essentially just fetch quests, which I normally don’t mind, however they felt tedious and required quite a bit of backtracking. Pacing was a bit off around the middle of the game as well, which also dampened my enjoyment of the game. There were still some fun puzzles and I enjoyed the simple combat mechanic.

What I did love was the Indonesian setting of the game. I like when a game is set in a real place instead of an entirely fantasy location, and it was fun cruising around the streets in this game experiencing the culture. The mental health themes in this game also weren’t too heavy handed or overly sappy, and all the major characters were well-written and realistic. Ending was a bit cliche but I thought it landed well. It lost me a bit around the end of chapter 4, especially with the pacing issues over the prior two chapters, and I took a break, but came back to the game and did end up enjoying the last chapter.

Overall a generally pleasant, although sometimes tedious gaming experience.

As much as I feel I should point out a few of my gripes with this game like some of the painfully slow segments or clunky puzzles to lower my score to something like 4/5, I'm not going to because reviewing is arbitrary and I get to make the rules. So yeah, this game isn't perfect but I'm giving it a perfect score. Why? Because I thoroughly enjoyed my time all the way through and it's the first piece of media in years to make me tear up.

The story is hard to explain without giving too much away, but I think it has pretty wide appeal. Otherwise, the game has the feel of an old school point-and-click adventure title. I liked that, and while others may not I don't think it would be that much of an obstacle to enjoying the narrative.

It's an incredibly moving story that tackles some important topics and is likely to have a pretty broad appeal, but it's held back a bit by some pacing issues in the first half. Combined with gameplay loops generally lacking depth and ultimately repetitive, this can lead to the middle segments feeling like an absolute slog, further punctuated by a soundtrack that's not quite varied enough for the game's length. Still, the overall playtime is pretty short, and it's well worth putting up with this game's minor hiccups to get to its true heart - a touching narrative & convincing characters that will likely stay with you for a long, long time.

muito lindo muito fofo amei a storyline e a soundtrack é incrível! tô só meio bolada porque não consegui platinar jogando pela primeira vez mas depois eu volto tem problema não <3

one of the most impactful stories I've played..EVER. It's THAT good. I was a sobbing mess when I finished it.

Just a wholesome game simply put. I think everyone can relate with mistakes we have made in our lives as well as hurting ourselves and ones who love us. I really enjoyed the pace of the game especially at the beginning. I feel like the last big chapter gets a big annoying with a mechanic they add, but overall this is a game that people should check out.

Ele é MUITO mais do que aparenta ser
Com uma gameplay engajante, músicas lindas e uma narrativa profundamente poderosa, triste e bela.

Um jogo que trata sobre depressão de forma lúcida, respeitosa e otimista.
Há sempre uma luz no fim do túnel ❤️

Todos los padres de este juego son disfuncionales y ausentes, menudo viaje

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um dos poucos jogos que me fez chorar

Uma obra e tanto, acompanhar assuntos sensíveis de uma forma tão bela e não romantizar é incrível, adorei os sentimentos que essa obra passa, as músicas temáticas que combinam com as situações, vai de um jogo alegre e divertido para um jogo TÃO profundo do nada, diria que é um dos, senão o melhor jogo que eu joguei nos últimos anos, eu não tenho palavras para descrever o quanto eu amei essa obra.

There aren't many games that can emotionally move me as much as this game does. It starts off as a slice of life story between a high school couple and a simple date to the movies. The story then quickly spirals into a mystery where strange occurrences appear throughout the town. Lots of supernatural and fantasy elements here.

The story deals with some serious and mature themes and even starts off with a warning of such nature. Despite the colorful tone and atmosphere early in the game, there are a lot of dark heavy moments hiding beneath it that left me uncomfortable at times. The emotional journey does end with a satisfying conclusion albeit leaving some plot points up to interpretation.

Other than the main characters, there's a lot of NPCs to interact with and a decent chunk of them are involved in the main story. Their personal stories are decently developed despite their small screentime. The writing as a whole is well executed.

The art direction and the pixelated graphics looks great with a decent range of animation.

The music is on the pleasant side with many well composed piano pieces. There are a few vocal tracks that help supplement the emotional moments.

The gameplay is similar to point and click adventure games. You move a character on a 2D plane and enter different rooms or areas on the side. There's a large amount of NPCs roaming the area that you can talk to. Puzzles are placed throughout the game and range from incredibly simple to more complex ones. The latter are not very common.

There's a mechanic that allows the player to dive within the mind/soul of a character to help resolve issues. All of these involve solving puzzles in some form.

Despite how it seems, there are actual combat moments which mostly involve inputting QTEs. These aren't difficult in general fortunately.

There are collectibles and a few optional sidequests in the game. However, getting all of these collectibles can be a hassle if you want to view a bonus scene at the end of the game. Many of the collectibles are chapter locked so there's no way to go back and get them if you missed out the first time other than do a completely new playthrough. Fortunately, Youtube exists.

Overall, the gameplay is decent and relaxing most of the time. Just a few frustrating moments on some of the QTEs and puzzles. The gameplay is actually very similar to 13 Sentinels' story portion of the game for those that are familiar with it.

The game takes about 10 hours to complete on a blind playthrough and recommended for those that want to experience a strong emotional story.

Sem dúvida um das experiências mais belas e emocionantes que eu tive com um jogo.

Com um grande foco em narrativa e uma jogabilidade simples, o jogo consegue construir uma atmosfera e estética incrível em volta dos ambientes rurais da Indonésia no fim dos anos 90 e visuais em pixel art.

O jogo tem bastante foco na narrativa, exploração dos ambientes e puzzles. Os puzzles em si não são muito difíceis, mas na medida que o jogo vai avançando eles ficam um pouco mais complexos. Existem alguns momentos pontuais de combate, mas a mecânica é simples, quando entrar em combate com um inimigo, basta pressionar uma sequência de botões que aparece na tela para acertar um ataque no inimigo e se defender pressionando um botão no momento certo, não é nada muito complexo, mas como o foco do jogo não é combate, então eu gosto que ele seja simples nesses aspectos.

O enredo começa simples, mas a medida que vai avançando ele vai fica cada vez mais complexo, toca em temas delicados como ansiedade, suicídio, depressão, luto e amadurecimento, mas os desenvolve muito bem ao longo dos seus 5 capítulos principais(ainda contando com um prólogo e um epílogo), é um jogo que fica cada vez mais interessante a medida que avançamos na narrativa, consegue dar um nó em nossa cabeça por conta de todos os mistérios e elementos surreais que vão aparecendo durante o jogo, e chega a ser muito emocionante pela maneira que ele trabalha suas temáticas, personagens e enredos.

A direção de arte é impecável, os designs do mundo, personagens, etc, são feitos de uma das mais belas pixel arts que já vi. Na medida que avançamos no jogo, em partes específicas os elementos visuais às vezes fazem o jogo parecer uma espécie de sonho de tão surreal e abstrato que vai ficando, os visuais também lembram um pouco animes como os do Estúdio Ghibli misturados com os do diretor Makoto Shinkai e Mamoru Hosoda, é visualmente lindo, mas também imagino que existam outras inspirações. E a trilha sonora é muito bonita também, conseguindo se encaixar totalmente com essa atmosfera que vai desde ao relaxante, melancólico e surreal que o jogo vai criando, possuindo também algumas músicas cantadas que são incrivelmente belas e emocionantes.

Minha conclusão é que A SPACE FOR THE UNBOUND é um jogo simples, nostálgico e muito bonito, quem conseguir imergir e simpatizar com essa jornada com certeza vai amar e se emocionar. Eu com certeza me emocionei bastante com essa história e não vejo a hora de jogar novamente.

Aliás, fico muito agradecido que os desenvolvedores tenham conseguido lançar o jogo com tradução para Português do Brasil, é algo básico, mas existem desenvolvedores grandes que não fazem isso, muito obrigado!

Review completo:

Uma ode à vida
A Space for the Unbound superou minhas expectativas. Desde a primeira demo que eu joguei, eu sentia que seria um bom jogo, mas consegui ainda ser surpreendido além dessas expectativas.

Naturalmente é um jogo que precisa ser jogado em um ritmo diferente, por ser um adventure em que você não vê tanta ação acontecendo na sua tela. Mas mesmo se não seja o seu tipo de jogo, vale a pena conferir se você gosta de narrativas intimistas e tocantes. E claro, se você curte um draminha também e não se importa em derramar algumas lágrimas jogando.

E apesar de tratar de temas como depressão, o jogo fala muito mais sobre como é bom viver, apesar de tudo. E que as adversidades sempre irão existir, sendo mais importante como lidamos com elas.

Além disso, gostei de ver a Indonésia sendo representada pelo seu próprio povo, de forma que conhecemos um pouquinho mais do país e da sua cultura, pelos olhos deles mesmos. E fiquei particularmente feliz de ter me identificado tanto em alguns pontos, seja lembrando um pouco de como era minha cidade na virada do milênio bem como com a referência ao Ronaldo, mostrando uma lembrança carinhosa e positiva que os indonésios têm do nosso país.

E pra ser sincero, eu não ficaria surpreso se o jogo fosse adaptado para um anime futuramente. Sua narrativa e arte combinariam perfeitamente com uma obra slice of life animada. Se alguém da Mojiken ler esse review, fica a sugestão.

A Space for the Unbound abriu o ano de lançamentos independentes de forma bastante positiva, na minha opinião. Era um dos jogos que mais estava aguardando e estou bastante satisfeito. Em meio a tanta turbulência que vivemos atualmente, o jogo foi uma pausa reconfortante para respirar e apenas apreciar a obra.

ASFTU has such a fantastic and well-realized ending that you’re going to wonder why the rest of the game doesn’t feel nearly that good to play. Still, it’s an easy recommendation for anyone who enjoys well-told narratives and angsty feelings.

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A conflicting point and click adventure. The narrative is the star with very relevant issues with an abusive father and bullying both contributing to making one lack confidence in oneself and because of your meekness due to trauma, bullies can identify it and then target you. Leads to her closing herself off and thinking something is wrong with herself. To become jaded and a misanthrope. Builds up a wall around herself to protect herself. Sees the bad in people and has trust issues. I was able to identify with a lot of these themes.

Gameplay wise it’s kinda stale. It’s primarily point and click easy puzzles (that become complex very late into the game with spacediving into peoples’ minds and opening rifts even further). There are also fighting sections with combos and timing bars that block attacks. Then the sneak areas are the worst gameplay. Really monotonous to walk and stop and repeat. Especially when you get caught.

Decent visuals that are sometimes beautiful. Nice music but there needed to be longer tracks or more variety in heavily traveled areas in town. A bit too long for how simple the gameplay is. There are also many grammar errors, but it wasn’t too distracting. It was really creepy was her facade world broke down and characters started becoming distorted with smiles on their faces. A very cool segment.

This game is legitimately something special. The story that it tells is beautiful and made me cry so hard near the end. Such a good indie game that deserves way more attention than it currently gets. Everything from the story to the setting and the insane vibes this game gives off are perfect.

Something special. A story that will stick with me and a wonderfully enjoyable experience. Early game is peak cozy and then once you see the plot begin to unravel it's fantastic. Please play this game

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A Space for the Unbound is a heartfelt story wrapped around gorgeous pixel art, a nice soundtrack, but frustrating gameplay, extremely on the nose hints that ruin surprises, and padding.

Ultimately this is a "story game", it is the main focus, and as such is the most important thing for this game. Overall, the game tells a beautiful story about inner struggles, depression, anxiety, self reflection, abuse, loss, bullying, and more. The main character's struggles are sure to be relatable, especially if you play this while you're still in school.

The main issue I have with the story itself is that every hint is so on the nose, you'll know most twists and turns before they happen, while not really looking out for or thinking about trying to solve the game's story. This section will contain spoilers:

The game opens with the South Star Princess dying, yellow (warm colored) flower petals used for magic, and a dark colored cat. One chapter later you hear of the North Star Princess, but you don't know much about her. You then see Raya's light blue (cold colored) flower petals used for magic, and she has a light colored cat. Complete opposites, totally not the North Star Princess. You know Nirmala wrote these stories, so either you are in her story, or Nirmala has a new identity and taken on the role as the North Star Princess. The game reveales both of these are true. Shocker.

This goes for a lot of the twists in the story. They're always very clearly explained before they even happen, and the only sense of mystery the game has comes from the game realizing they're being too obvious, so they have a cat tell you very ominously that "You don't know what's happening, fool, I am very mysteryous, nothing is as it seems". Then in the end the cat just gives up and starts explaining that it didn't want to be mysterious after all, they're all just here to help. This part of the narrative just felt and still feels out of place even after completing the game.

The hints are so on the nose, that when you launch the game, the first thing you see is a trigger-warning list. "Animal death", I haven't even played the game yet, and my first thought is "The main character's cat will die, ok". This alone ruined any emotional impact this scene would have had otherwise.

Other than that, the story itself is mostly fantastic, and handles the heavy topics with grace. The only thing that really took me out of the immersion was that they made the teenage characters censor themselves during fights. A late teenager would not censor themselves and say "You're such a B-!" when they're in a fight. It's not how people would speak, especially not a high school jock who isn't afraid to beat up people he doesn't like. This happens fairly often, so I thought I should bring it up.

Writing aside, the game's biggest issue is the padding. Everything you do has padding. I think the developers were scared that just writing a good story wouldn't be enough, so they needed to insert a ridiculous amount of steps to do literally antything in the game, and it's simply not fun.
For example, you need to go buy a cake, but you need to run around every part of town to gather each of the ingrediants. Fair enough. Actually, this wasn't enough, the chef is having a mental breakdown, so you need to sabotage her dream-food by pouring oil into it. The steps finding the oil alone is:
Leave dream > Find Oil > Can't buy it, so you find a secret password to get free oil > You need your own container > Find container > Actually the container is dirty, find the one place in town you can clean it lol > Get free oil > Finally sabotage the dish.
This was one of three foods you have to sabotage before the chef will help you. So to get the cake you need to run around town a minimum of 3 times.

Doing this adds nothing to the story, you can barely call it gameplay, and it makes for an incredibly dragged out experience. It's simply not fun to run around the whole town looking for a random button to press, often with no hint. If it was just a few times, sure, but it happens almost every time you need to get anything done.

The worst part is that you can't pick up items before you need them. For example that container you need for the oil, I found that ages before I needed it in a quest, but I wasn't allowed to pick it up.

Adding these extra steps is something the game does any chance it gets. You need to break into the school? Cool, find a hammer to break wall (we'll skip every step it takes to find the hammer) > Run back to the wall > Break it > Actually you can't break it now, run for 3 whole minutes to the same wall in the past, then break it > Run for 3 minutes to get back > Finally, breaking it in the past made it decay, so it's broken for real now. What did this add? Another 6 minutes of holding left on the control stick? It wasn't a puzzle because the game literally told you to do it. It's just frustrating.

I think if you take away this padding, keep the missions and dialogue generally the same, but without all the extra steps that add nothing, you'd probably save 3 or 4 hours of the game, and nothing would be changed otherwise.

Something else that is baffeling to me is when the game introduces combat. You have a quest to beat the "Future Fighter" high score. This is the first time you will fight. Funnily enough, this high score is the absolute most difficult fighting you will do in the entire game. Why make the hardest fight the first? Everything after that is easier by a long shot. It is honestly ridiculous. Sure, you can try it once and skip doing the high score, but the high score isn't difficult to begin with, I did it first try, but it's still weird that they choose to make it the first fight the most difficult.

This review is getting quite long, so I will end it here. In conclusion, the game features a fantastic story, gorgeous pixel art, nice music, but ultimately fails in the gameplay department. They should have toned down the gameplay and settled for a shorter playstime more focused on the story instead of tedious tasks, and they should be a bit more careful with the hints. Not saying a game can't be "figured out" before everything is revealed, but it should not be figured out without trying to pay attention to the finer details and without giving it much thought. I am glad I played it, I overall enjoyed the story a lot, but I can only hope they learn from their mistakes when their next game comes out.

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    As 2023 comes to a close, I realised that I hadn't played many games that released this year. Actually, I realised that I hadn't played a single game nominated in the game awards. So before the year ended, I thought I'd pick something to try out. A Space for the Unbound caught my eye and after I already decided to play it, I noticed purely by coincidence that it was made by the same developers behind Coffee Talk, the game I played before this one. With what Coffee Talk was like, I expected a light-hearted, chill and relaxing puzzle game. Instead, I was given a vibrant tale packed with more emotion than my tissue box could handle. And here's why.

    What immediately stood out to me was the setting. I hadn't realised with Coffee Talk but the company behind the game is Indonesian. However, unlike Coffee Talk,  Indonesian culture is heavily celebrated and embraced with this game. It shines through the colourful clothing, the sweltering heat in the atmosphere, the food and so many other aspects. You can really tell how much the creators wanted to convey the beauty of their country. Details like street vendors and Indonesian food stalls make you feel like you're breathing the Asian air and immerses you in their world. Every aspect of the map is riddled with small things that make the game so friendly and lively. I mean, for Christ's sake, they have cats in every corner of the map. How could it get any better?

    Another aspect that stands out is the art direction. Pixel art is one of my favourite types of art and this game may have some of the best of it I've ever seen, in and out of games. The feeling of a lively and youthful summer is captured perfectly. Its overflowing with many details like bottle caps on the floor, cats everywhere and school kids running around. Although my childhood wasn't exactly the same, it evokes nostalgia nonetheless. But what really stands out to me is the background art. Some of the most beautiful and breathtaking shots of the sky I've ever seen are in this game. And not only when the game draws attention to it. There were plenty of times when I was running through the game and stopped to stare at the background that I'm sure goes unnoticed by many. They're not just still images either, but they move with the character and have small details in them too. Its layered with clouds, the sun and other features that all move at different speeds. It's beautiful throughout but only gets better the further into the game, until by the end I'm left in complete awe at the sight. The amazing art also extends to cut-scenes where the design of the characters are more detailed. Even despite it being pixel art, the emotions of the characters are so vividly expressed on their faces in these moments. The art is able to powerfully capture the wonder of an Indonesian town and subsequently convey an apocalyptic and destructive beauty - it could not be better.

    The next greatest contributor to the game being so beautiful is the music and sound design. Sound design normally flies over my head but I did pick up on some small things I liked. For example, the typing sound that plays over text appearing on the screen is really nice on the ears and the running sound effect for some reason stood out to me too. Ambient effects like cats meowing, bird chirping and people talking add to the experience also.
    The score is packed with emotional piano, upbeat, and relaxing tracks to fit every mood. Running through the town under the summer sun with chill music in the back gives me such a warm and great feeling. But when the story takes an emotional turn, the music becomes some of the most poignant and powerful music I've heard in gaming. Honestly, I get emotional listening to the music even without the gameplay behind it. On top of this, there are a few tracks that have vocals in them so when they pull out those vocals at the climax and ending, it is very moving. The lyrics are very relevant as well, especially in the final song. **I'm not musician so there's no way for me to not undersell how impactful the music is, but there are countless tracks that I'll be scouring the internet for after writing this, to listen to again. 

    On the other hand, the gameplay was pretty underwhelming. I like how well it integrated into the story and themes but on its own, it was lacking for me. A significant amount of the game is running around the map, looking for items or talking to random people who tell you to go and look for items. This isn't unenjoyable because of the great music and art, but the game design doesn't do it any favours. A lot of it is repetitive and is normally along the lines of: talk to the person you're told to, space-dive, go search for all the items needed for it, space-dive again, do the puzzle and then continue. Outside of the space-dive, there is a fun little combat feature where you have to enter a specified string of inputs under a time limit. But it's very basic, doesn't mix it up a lot and isn't challenging enough to love.
    The main gameplay feature is the puzzles. It has some good ideas and I like how it uses things outside of the puzzles alone, like getting you to explore the map and keep your eye out for things or clues that may be useful. However, the puzzles themselves are effortless, with the clues and hints being spoon-fed to you. Throughout the game, I only got stuck about 2 times and quickly figured out what to do because it's normally obvious. Some puzzles have sneaky solutions but that's about as hard as it gets. Most of the puzzles will ask for you to collect something external but the main character will say something like "Oh, if only I had X item right now..." so not a lot of thinking is involved. Or you'll walk past an NPC saying something in the same vein. It's clear that the game has the story at it's focal point and making the puzzles too hard would retract from that for some players, but I think the puzzles are just too easy and that's coming from someone who isn't even that good at puzzles in general. Albeit, even if they aren't that mentally stimulating, I think adding puzzles and small gameplay features like this is better than having a visual novel format or a walking simulator, for this game in particular, and there are some fun puzzles here and there. Overall, the gameplay is definitely the area aspect I enjoyed the least, but I didn't hate it by any means.

    The plot is actually rather loose, but not necessarily in a bad way. The premise can't really be described well in a few sentences as it starts out unassuming but then expands greatly to surprising heights. Foreshadowing begins very early on and creates an ongoing mystery that is revealed to have many sides to it. The somewhat loose plot here is an advantage because there is so much unpredictability and flexibility to every event. As the story is not grounded in reality, the setting is constantly changing and norms are bent. It takes you to so many imaginative places and scenarios and really uses the eccentricity of fiction to it's best. There is a constant use of visual metaphors and the flexible setting lends itself to having a large range of themes for the puzzles as well. However, it's loose nature does have its weaknesses. For example, some plot points seem very random and contrived when there is no real purpose for them and they kind of come out of nowhere. There are plenty of long sections in the game where you need to solve one random problem of a person in the town before continuing the story, even if it's completely unrelated. Stuff like this would be great if it were optional, shorter or more relevant to the story but being so long and pointless takes away from the tension of the main storyline. 
    A big portion of the story is using the 'space dive' feature and this contributes to making the story very psychological, which is fascinating. The world and characters feel more alive and humanized when we delve into the psyche of the people across all ages and occupations. Expressing their mental struggles using metaphors in the form of puzzles and imagery is also very creative. This is at its best when being used on the important characters because we can see how it links into the story and the central themes. It's a brilliant way to give exposition and exploration on each character's current position and growth as you go through the game. Rather than simple and plain dialogue or a long and sappy backstory, it is shown through artistic and creative ways of representing the inner workings of their minds. 
    However, I do think there is room for improvement. With one of the largest features of the gameplay being diving into the brains of the characters, I think there could have been further exploration as a lot of it was rather surface level - especially for the minor characters. Some definitely do stand out though and I think it was very fulfilling to see people change their perspective about their memories and situation and take a new path. But with such a powerful concept like diving into the brains of people and their mental struggles, it could have tackled more powerful situations and themes for a lot of the minor characters. However, I did like how small problems were given attention, as the little things do matter as well.

    What I love about the game most though is the characters and theming. (big spoilers ahead). The game undeniably revolves around one central and exceedingly multi-faceted character: Raya/Nirmala. Heck, even her name seems pretty complicated. There are other characters that have depth to them but mostly all of them are used as devices for Raya. Truthfully, even the main character is predominantly a device for Raya, and it wouldn't be far off to say that Raya is actually the main character herself. The entire story takes place within her imagination, which is revealed to be during her coma, and is why every plot point is so entwined with her whim and character development. That's one of the reasons why the themes stand out so much and are so powerful; they are ingrained deeply into the story itself and push forward the plot.
    Now as for the main theme, there are a few I could put into that box but none that I can definitively say is the message and the number one thing the game is trying to say. The game says a lot in many different ways, so I'll go through some of the ones I found interesting.
    One of the most prevalent themes is escapism and stagnation. The entire premise revolves around Raya's imagination. And whenever she appears, she avoids facing her problems and manufactures solutions by using her magical abilities. She runs away from all of her problems and indulges in her fantasy of a world just for her and Atma, where no-one bothers them and they just do whatever they want. But the truth is that she has problems that she can't just run away from. She has a temporary escape in her self-delusion but eventually she crumbles under her loneliness and the weight of her past. Now this is actually something I can relate to a lot. In fact, it's partially why I played the game. Just like many others, games and other forms of media serve as a form of escapism. It's a space where I can be unbound (hehe) by the worries of reality and live in a temporary fantasy, like Raya. If I find any issues, that's fine, I can just pick up another game or put on a different show. But just like Raya, this can't go on forever. You can try to flood your mind with endless distractions but there will be nights when you're in the dark trying to fall asleep at 3AM and you're reminded of the problems you still have and how little you've done about them. It creeps up on you. Without confronting your issues and past, and without learning to appreciate the things you have instead of flooding your brain with imaginary value, you can't move forward. 
    Closer to the end we learn that Raya 'split into two' and discarded her child self, 'Nirmala'. 'Nirmala' embodied her passion, curiosity and love for the world around her. But because of her father's abuse and classmates' harassment and bullying, she chose to discard that part of herself because she couldn't take it all. She tried to become someone she was not, and was stripped of her authentic self, essentially splitting into two. Being forced into a box, it made her depressed and after bottling it all up, she ran away into her imagination. Raya is told all her life that she's a failure, weird and no-one has ever appreciated who she was. So she grew up thinking that being herself was wrong. Raya is terrified of sadness so she avoids it by escaping to her imagination. The role of Atma is to convince her that it's okay to be herself. Despite all the bad things about her and the horrible things she does, Atma has to remain determined to reassure her that she is loved. Raya is stubborn and continues to run away, even becoming hostile and trying to kill Atma. Eventually, she gives in and discloses her problems, allowing Atma to console her. With intimate and personal dialogue, they work through her problems. With this, during an introspective conversation on the rooftop with Atma she says 'all the fear, failure and loneliness are part of me'. Instead of rejecting and avoiding the negative emotions, she learns to accept them and accept herself in the process. With Atma convincing herself to get up and finally take a step forward, to face her past and her issues, we go on a very emotional section of the story - a journey back to Nirmala, her true self. And in order to become her true self again, she had to address her harsh memories, take responsibility for her mistakes and learn to love herself. 
    One of the first obstacles in doing this was Erik. Now he isn't such a nice guy. He bullies her and even (accidentally) killed her cat. She has plenty of reason to hate him. However, she knew that Erik is actually in love with her, he just struggles to convey it. But Raya refuses to help him out and understand him, but instead ignores his feelings. Despite recognising that Erik was similar to her in how difficult he finds it to accept and express himself, she ignored him. Raya learns to move past her hatred for him and not let it hold her back.
    The next obstacle was Lulu. As a defense to being bullied and ridiculed, Raya tried to become just like someone everyone looked up to, Lulu. But she then find out that it was impossible. She couldn't transform into someone she was not. She ended up being put down by Lulu and felt horrible about herself. Here, Raya accepts rejection and becomes strong enough to no let others define her value and force her into being someone she isn't.
    Next was Marin. Through their friendship, Raya was constantly reminded of how unfortunate her family circumstances were and compared them to Marin's generous parents. Truthfully, Raya was really jealous of Marin so when Marin did not step in to help when she was getting bullied, she used that as an excuse to deny their friendship. She knew that Marin was just too scared to help her and despite that she withheld her forgiveness to avoid the pain of jealousy. Here, Raya learns to accept those negative emotions and not let it take away from their beautiful friendship of drawing and writing together.
    And the final obstacle, her dad. Needless to say, her dad is irredeemably awful. But she didn't have the strength to confront him, scared of the consequences and negative emotions. With her newfound confidence in herself she cements him as awful in her mind, giving her the resolve to leave him behind and move on.
    Having addressed these problems, Raya had bridged what was stopping her from being herself and goes to greet Nirmala, the authentic part of her, the part she and nobody can live without. Once again, Raya rediscovers her love for the little things she enjoyed as a kid: 'the people who care about her, the things that bring her job, the feeling of sitting down to write'. I thought it sounded corny growing up but gratitude and appreciating the things you have really does change your perspective on the value of your life and life around you.

    Onto the ending. The climax of Raya reuniting with Nirmala, accepting herself and then the visual representation of her leaving her imagination is no less than beautiful. The symbolism with the yellow flowing budding, the breathtaking imagery, it all creates an unbelievable spectacle. Now, the climax and catharsis of this game may be my favourite out of any game I've ever played. Raya wakes, revealing that she was in a coma. She, quite literally in this sense, couldn't live without facing her past and struggles. After a time, we learn that she and her mother are moving away from her father. Raya gets up, and leaves the house. As she walks around town, we see how every other character ended up and how they have changed. Even the minor characters, like seeing the hiking club members in a relationship or a member of the biker gang join the karate dojo. Seeing all the characters and Raya's new self and attitude show through what she says to the other characters and how she speaks had me so giddy and smiley. The game really illustrates how despite it now being 'reality', it's just as if not more beautiful that her imagination. A life where you are comfortable in your own skin is wonderful. In combination with one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard (seriously, it's called An Ode to Life, check it out), she walks to a bridge where she reflects on herself and where to go next. Once again, this might be my favourite ending in gaming. Every single tiny loose end was tied, as if they had everything planned out perfectly from the very beginning. And with the emotional impact built up by the stellar art direction and soundtrack, it is simply superb. I actually stayed up until 3AM to finish it and the feeling I got afterwards was really special for me. I was in this rare state of feeling really appreciative of the life I have and the beauty all around me that's really hard to describe.

    Despite it's shortcomings, the game stuck the landing with a backflip and landed on 10 feet. I have to admit that I'm a sucker for amazing endings and recency bias so I'm finding it very easy to look past the things I didn't like. But nonetheless, the game is beautifully hopeful and a brilliantly crafted story with a complex and deeply explored character. It juggles unbelievably powerful emotions and tricky topics like trauma and self-acceptance that resonate with me deeply. Honestly, a game hasn't captured me like this in a very long time. For it to have me so invested in the story and characters and empathize so deeply with Raya, it really is special. It is lathered with love and passion and is truly an unforgettable experience. 9/10.

Acho que eu não podia ter começado 2024 melhor

Com um visual pixel art deslumbrante, uma trilha envolta em melodias que vão do aconchego ao mistério e uma história delicada e instigante, A Space for the Unbound transporta o jogador de volta para o final dos 90 e nos convida a enxergar o mundo com outros olhos, mostrando que a felicidade pode estar nos detalhes mais simples da vida.

Review completa em:

Planejo fazer uma review adequada pra sutileza com que o jogo trata com problemas tão sensíveis, algo que me faz apreciar bastante grande parte do conteúdo presente aqui, mas deixo bem claro, é uma experiência linda e dolorosa (principalmente se você passou por uma situação semelhante a que o jogo trata). Com toda certeza esse jogo vale a atenção de mais pessoas.

The fifth chapter dragged too much but otherwise very nice story and artstyle.

we need to be writing games full of text better than this

A story of loss, grief, and acceptance. It hits deep with its message despite being a little predictable. I won't forget this one anytime soon.