Reviews from

in the past

muito divertido com o combate e os puzzles, mas as fases do Appa me frustraram. não por serem difíceis, mas por eu não ter conseguido rank A ainda.

kino has a sequel…

in some ways it’s better, and in some it’s worse. everything about the gameplay is tighter, and the fighting feels so much better! but the fighting is most of the game now… the puzzles are still fun but they are fewer and farther between than in the first game, and i frankly just miss that clunky pacing. the already sparse story from the first is on an extreme backburner here and all context is mostly kept to single screens before each chapter. i miss how you could talk to people standing around like baby’s first rpg… the visuals are considerably less interesting, and the music quality/variety took a major hit too.

even considering all that, this is still pretty fun and is one of the few licensed GBA games i’ve played so far that feels like a “Real Game”. whatever that means