Reviews from

in the past

Bad north is a pretty interesting little RTS with a cute art style.
The simple mechanics open up into a lot of depth once you know what you're doing and let you come up with some unique strategies. I think it could have benefitted from some more content in general for variety like unit types and enemies but what's already here is generous enough.

Loved the simple gameplay and art, but honestly got bored pretty quickly. Really good effort though.

É muito divertido no começo
Mas ai..... 😴

very polished and fun game, not a lot of variety in the gameplay is sad, got bored fairly quickly, strange mix of pick up and play but also stressful, visual style is extremely enjoyable

super neat rock-paper-scissors rts gameplay. takes a lot of rts concepts and boils them down to a level of minimalism equivalent to the artstyle. not super deep, but fun