Reviews from

in the past

divertido para cuando tu sobrino rompe las bolas

"Barro" is just a chill, indie racing game that doesn't take itself too seriously but also doesn't do anything that makes it better than any other racing game, it just kind of exists, it's not terrible though.

This game is a masterpiece. This is the best thing the humankind has made. It needs to be played and it needs to be praised. 10/10

Review EN/PTBR

It's not good, it's not bad, it's that kind of game that you discover in your Steam library and you have no idea where it came from.


Não é bom, nem ruim, é aquele tipo de jogo que você descobre na sua biblioteca da steam e você não tem a menor ideia da onde ele veio.

This game truly masterpiece man and i thnk other people should play game like this man man man

Not sure when did this appear on my library, probably got it free on some giveaway long ago. Anyway, pretty short and simple racing game, good enough to kill some time and get another easy 100% to the list

You could beat this in less time than it requires for all the spam achievements to pop up. Probably an asset flip.

soporte -> reembolsar -> compre esto por error

İnsanlığın var olma sebebi BARRO'yu yapmakmış...

Does the bare minimum to qualify as a game, baits people in with free achievements. Got it when it was free
Update: Turns out the whole entire game is a store asset

The masterpiece of last decade with incredible gameplay, visuals and superb track designs.

by far the best racing game ever made. dont even try to disagree its impossibel

This game is a relatively simple racer with basic physics and interactions. There is nothing actually wrong here, it just doesn't elevate itself very high. There are no items, very few tracks, little customization, and no visual distinction between tracks. It's an easy game to 100% complete but beyond that there's not a lot of reason to come back. It feels like Mad Tracks Lite.

I got this game for free, so I'm not actually going to complain about the fact that this experience is lacking. It's at a low price and a relatively small project. For what it is, it's fine.

This is a game that promises nothing and delivers the absolute minimum. Built in Unity, the true creative's choice, it is clear that the intent of a developer like SC Jogos is to make games as fast as possible so they can later list them on their portfolio. Whatever sales this game gets, all the better.

But who cares? This game doesn't suck.

Sure, you probably didn't come here by chance. You probably have this item in your Steam library wondering how you'd got it, or perhaps you searched the word "Barro". Let me tell you what I experienced in the 6 minutes (or so) I played this.

I appreciated the fact the game was honest enough to ask me if I wanted to activate "achievements", and I knew exactly what that meant. Upon accepting I got bombarded with enough random letter achievements to complete the alphabet twice. Then I got a few legitimate ones, like clearing a stage and... racing in a stage with fog in it. The CPU drivers don't mess around, either. On easy they still will course-correct within half a second and really make you work for your win.

Should you pay for this? Absolutely not. If you find yourself as brainless or messed up at 1AM or later as I was, play it. Doing so will give the developer some consolation that his Unity game is still being appreciated.

Note: I got this for free as part of the "Barro Limited Free Promotional Package", which was a Steam Store giveaway by the developer.