Reviews from

in the past

You can be a Blaster Master but more importantly be a Turbo Master for those boss fights holy shit

I tried this as a kid and felt like I didn't "get it" and I tried it now and while I can recognize the idea is novel, the game becomes quickly unplayable due to one reason in specific: No way to reposition Sophia once you get out of it! Within my thirty minutes of retrying this game I found myself in a position twice where I was unable to either get back to or get back inside of Sophia due to vehicle placement, which is awful design when she is needed to progress.

Great game. One of the best on NES!

Quite a confusing labyrinth to go through, the beginning of the game feels really rough cuz you're missing some essential abilities and the bosses are pretty damn hard too.

Not a bad NES game though.

One of the best action games on the NES. Smooth controls, great music, and the levels are well designed for the most part.
I will say tho, there is absolutely no reason to explore. You get the tank upgrades from the bosses, nothing outside of that. Honestly, considering the lack of a map and how annoying some later areas can be sometimes, I'm thankful for this.

A weird blend of Metroid (including literal Metroids floating around...) and top down running and gunning. The story premise is just as bizarre. Visually it looks fantastic for a NES game, but the somewhat clunky controls and rather repetitive gameplay keep it from true greatness.

this game is so cool! you got a cool little tank thing and the music is so fun. when i was a little kid i saw it had a book at the library and i was so excited but then i remembered i can't read books and i almost forgot to return it because i still wanted to read it

Pretty challenging but it holds up pretty well.

de los mejores juegos de la nes para mi un juego muy largo que facil mente te puede quitar de 5 a 4 horas y la musica es lo mejor.

The game that lit my imagination as a child. As horrible as that intro is, it really introduced me to the idea of an adventure.

A great concept and top-notch presentation, especially the soundtrack, but that comes across to me as a veneer for subpar level design and atrocious bosses.

A cool little game that fit's the metroidvania mold. The gimmick of piloting a tank and being able to get out on foot feels very ambitious for it's time. Was unfortunately held back for me by its NES era mean-ness with its enemy placement and level design, and the lack of an in game map makes navigating difficult and confusing. Also it doesn't affect the gameplay at all but I don't know why they made the localization changes they did? An intergalactic war feels like a much more interesting set up than a boy chasing his pet frog.

Has aged as well as most NES games.

Even though I played this after playing Blaster Master Zero, this game holds up pretty well as a rather ahead of it’s time cross between a Metroid-esque sidescroller and an overhead shooter. Limited continues are annoying, and I wouldn’t blame anyone for using the grenade glitch on some of the bosses, but I still had fun.

(Played using Nintendo Switch Online NES)
This game honestly just sucks. Enemy placements are horrendous, the boss battles aren't fun at all. The controls also suck, the car is slippery and during later sections of the game you climb on walls and at the final area of the game you just ram into spikes that do like a million damage it sucks its terrible. The game stinks don't play it

Played on Nintendo Entertainment System - Nintendo Switch Online, as well as FCE Ultra GX using my modded Wii. Seems like a good enough game, but it didn't hook me like I expected it to, so I will not be returning to this game.

An early metroidvania with a neat use of a vehicle. I liked it as a kid, but I could never beat it. 3 lives, 2 continues (basically 9 lives with a severe punishment for every third death, in modern terms), and the game takes hours to beat, with you starting from the beginning every time. I have to say, the remake, Blaster Master Zero, fixed a lot of what this game did wrong, though I like the original game's music kinda better.