Reviews from

in the past

i got this in 5th grade so i could play it with kids on the bus ride home from school, and got so distracted by it, i missed my stop by an hour and had to walk all that way home. i thought my life was over when i realized how far from home i had gotten.

My first Call of Duty was played on my Wii.

This game suffers largely from the fatal flaw Roads To Victory suffered from, in that there is a good game deep inside here, it's simply pushed aside from all the shortcomings the Nintendo DS provided. However, they were able to better circumvent these issues with the COD4 port, so I'm not entirely sure what N-Gage's excuse is here.

A few choice control schemes and the almost-downgrade of graphics from the COD4 port unfortunately just make this entry lack in comparison. Also not to mention, this game is just too damn long. While I enjoyed the inclusion of a British Campaign, the entire story goes to almost 30 missions, not including the 30 other "challenges" which are really just campaign missions with requirements. All in all, not the worst game I've played but definitely in the lower tier of COD entries.

these games were masterpieces, leave me alone

Similarly to Modern Warfare on the DS, I played this one before I started playing the proper versions on consoles, but still had some fun memories playing this one in weird online DS lobbies.

Немного задушила, но концовка затащила

After the amazing Modern Warfare this game was huge L

The beginning of a decade-long love affair with the zombies game mode.