Reviews from

in the past

The nostalgia is pretty strong with people on these cars games. They didn't get great reviews but people seem to love them and I totally understand. If you grew up watching the movie and then this one one of your first video games then of course you may think back on it fondly. However, I am not one of those people and playing it for the first time in 2023, I can safely tell you that it sucks. The game follows the movie pretty closely, keep in mind I have only seen half of the movie, setting you up in radiator springs with all your favourite characters from the movie. They have really tried to get the feel of the movie and have done it well. The cutscenes were my favourite part of the game. They tell the story well and feel great quality like the movie. Radiator springs is also faithfully portrayed in the movie with all the original characters and locations. The issue is you spend pretty much your whole time in this area which, although faithful to the movie, is a bland boring brown barren shithole. I got so bored of driving around the same boring "open world" hub, but what was more frustrating was that when you pick up races from this hub world they are still in the same area. There are a few races on a NASCAR circuit, but these are all exactly the same as each other and pretty boring too. The racing in itself is fine, it handles ok and there are some skills like boosting and skidding round corners, but it's not particularly exciting. The AI is pretty poor and its hard to lose races, which is forgivable for a kids game. There just isn't a lot of magic or intrigue that you would expect from a Disney game. Of course young kids and fans of the movies may enjoy it, but it feels very unpolished and bland, exactly the opposite of what a card game should be.

Only played it for the achievements during an achievement contest. Earned all of them.

i 100%d this game by complete accident back in 2021