Reviews from

in the past

the fact that this exists, let alone how complete it is, is nothing short of a miracle. its amazing that you can port a game like cave story to the genesis and have it run so close to perfectly

Great Port However...
There are Some Things i didn't Like About it.
Enemies are Teleporting/Glitching, Sometimes the Hitbox is Unfair, and Sometimes you can Defeat some Bosses With One shot (if you Have the Spur of Course).
But I can't Complain too Much After all it's a Port of a PC Game.
But in itself The Game is Very fun, and I Got all the Endings!
Worth a Try if you Like Cave Story.

Overall, I really was impressed with this port of Cave Story. It had a decent amount of compromises, generally due to sprite limitations, but worked around a lot of them pretty well. Nothing negatively impacted the gameplay, which I think it is the most important part. But the Spur ended up being significantly more powerful than it was in the original game.

As for Cave Story itself, it's one of my favorite games of all time. A classic, the characters are great, the gameplay is great, and the art style is adorable. It's short, but it's also replayable with the amount of mutually exclusive weapons, or even if you choose to go for the true end or not.


- "Normal" ending
- 06:25h of play time
- 20/may/20.

tem limitaçoes e pa mas tipo É cave story no mega drive n tem o que reclamar, mas a spur ficou buffada p krl pqp

Third GOTM finished for March 2024. I wasn't necessarily blow away by this game - the graphics were good and the weapon options and variety were fun, but the story was barely serviceable and some of the platforming bits and enemies were quite annoying - but I am extremely impressed by the fact that I played a PC game on a Genesis emulator. I've been hearing about this one for a while, so I'm glad to have finally gotten around to experiencing it, but there isn't enough here for me to want to come back for a better ending (mind you, I got the "Normal" ending). Music did kick ass though!