Reviews from

in the past

Being a successful Kickstarter campaign means there is an audience out there that enjoys this style of gameplay, Unfortunately, I'm not part of that niche. Knock back is a mechanic that should not be considered nostalgic, it should just be forgotten. I also ran into a few glitches that ranged from strange to game breaking. The worst glitch was a boss that I somehow defeated prior to his dungeon, only to have him partially reappear in the dungeon with no health and undefeatable. For the action-platformer fan, this title would be low on my list of recommendations.

Decent fun slide scrolling game, that with a very simple plot and controls. This game doesn’t take itself seriously and looks good, plays well but lacks good story telling. It’s a game from a small creator and was a kickstarter so don’t expect Mario or Sonic levels of fun here, but I enjoyed it. I bought this for cheap and liked it for the most part. Can be challenging but also doesn’t over do it. Fun quick game plat.