Reviews from

in the past

I understand the point in writing Senna the way she is, but it really doesn't feel like she's lambasting Cassia as much as she is speaking to me. She reminds me too much of condescending teachers and my own parents, struggling to lend a hand any farther than their comfortable level of reach.

The nonogram puzzles are basic if somewhat complicated by the fact that the engine doesn't have the assurance of "auto-locking" (where the line you start with is what gets filled as long as you hold down your inking button) like in other engines, but I'm willing to forgive that because it's made in a visual novel engine — something that's a feat on its own.

It's a short game, takes upwards of 30 minutes, and would be recommendable if not for how harshly written Senna is. I understand that's kinda her point but like, hearing every snide comment this person makes just leaves me feeling sorta filthy. The arc of her character isn't especially convincing either, there's no moment where I feel genuine sympathy for her.

It is cute tho

That was super cute. I think the combination of pic-cross puzzles and visual novel worked really well, since the story gave the puzzles a meaning and reason for doing them.

I'm very glad the main character is stupid it makes her feel relatable and makes me feel less bad for being terrible at puzzles.

Cute picross game. Haven't played much picross, so it took me way too long to finish completely, but the story was cute. It's interesting to see a slightly bittersweet ending like this

If you have any inkling that you like this game due to it's art direction, then likely you're wasting your time with this review, and should just get to playing it. Charm Studies is not only free, but only an hour long, less if you are familiar with Picross type games.

Charm Studies intrigues me in the sense that it's not only a Picross for beginners type of game, but it certainly helps lend Picross to more visual novel games. I've seen this done with another game, Murdered By Numbers, and overall I'm a really big fan of it. Picross does feel like it lacks an award at times, and with the way this game goes off to explain the little pictures you make while passing it off as studying is really charming.

As someone that is a bit of an avid picross player, I wasn't really challenged with this game, and while I don't think that's a bad thing it certainly can leave many picross fans adrift. There are no where near as many puzzles or difficult arrangements, but the overall mechanics used for Charm Studies helps beginner players understand picross far better than any previous game I've played. If anything, I'd argue this is for fans of picross to send to their friends so they can start getting into it too. The visual novel setting, and quirky characters make for a nice set up, and can really help show why Picross is so fun.

I enjoyed playing through this, although I'm not really the target audience.
Picross isn't really my thing. The best way to sum up my thoughts on picross is that it's more satisfying then interesting. Sometimes that's what you want though and I still find it interesting to try out picross games.
The best part about the picross implementation here is that when you fill out all the clued squares in a row/col, it automatically x marks every other square. The worst part about the picross implementation here is that the 15x15 puzzle was a little laggy for me, which made the experience of solving it a little bad.

The puzzles in this game overuse symmetry. There's one or two puzzles that I thought were neat, but overall this is pretty basic picross gaming.

I liked the worldbuilding you get in the dialogue (People explaining things in stories is an easy way to appeal to me. Characters weren't interesting to me. The game is pretty cute though, so that's sweet.

There's a really minor neat thing this game does that I adore After the final puzzle, your tutor says you should know enough to be able to study on your own and pass the class. Then you only unlock the final epilogue scene after you voluntarily do 5 more puzzles {which are a bit more difficult than the main ones}

Big fan of Senna's character! I like how she contends with the fact that she comes off as mean without the story acting like it's unreasonable that she'd be annoyed at the protagonist for not taking things seriously. Clearly Cassia does not need a job after graduation and Senna does (lol). I've never done Picross before so I was nervous but the difficulty curve was reasonable and I enjoyed the music and experience of getting better at Picross while playing as a cute anime girl! Even though the Picross is the main focus, there is enough worldbuilding that I am intrigued about the setting.

I LOVE THEMM this is so cute i am obsessed <33 picross is SO hard though, this was my first time trying it and i struggled a lot so im really happy i could still finish the game without being good <3

Ah yes, the one thing Picross fans dont get enough in their lives:


Adorable art, lovely music, charming writing, and overall a very comfy lil picross vn about witches. Only takes about an hour to play, strong recommendation from me!!

An actual criticism about the game: there's a point where it starts to talk about privilege and how it changes what peoples lives are but then shies away from actually saying anything in favor of being Cute™ and Wholesome™ which is a bit disappointing. Like, I dunno, maybe I shouldn't expect a small vn like this to have Big Things to say about life like that but also maybe don't invoke it if you're going to immediately step back from it, y'know.

The presentation is cute, but the 15 puzzles in the game just weren't that good. The mobile version also heats up my Galaxy S24 Ultra more than any other game I've played. Like if your game makes my phone heat up more and drains the battery faster than something like Honkai Star Rail while being nothing but 15x15 Picross, then something's wrong.

Charming, concise game that packs a lot of heart in less than an hour.

Although, I will admit, I am biased towards games that use picross/nonograms as one of their main mechanics.

Cute! I actually really like both characters. I really like picross games and like that this combined picross gameplay with a visual novel. I need more games that do that. My only negative with this game was that as the puzzles got larger, it would get laggier and took longer to read my inputs but this was back on launch day so maybe the problem is solved now, or it could've just been my computer being wonky lol.

they put the picross in the rempy

I like how the questions are genuinely something that a player (or at least I) could miss if they were just paying attention to the puzzles, with picross games I always get so focused on placing and marking based on the numbers that I’d only notice what the picture was once I finished it, so when Senna would ask me what was that you just did I was genuinely stumped on what to answer, it’s clever I think

The characters are cute, I like Senna, she deserves a nice and well-mannered pet cat I think

love novels, love picross, great and very short absolutely free game with cute characters and art.
picross is very easy if you are familiar with it, but it was very laggy for me on my phone so it made it harder to play, so it's better to play on pc.
I would recommend it for people who are only getting in picross and for the fans of it too, because why not.

One of the girls is weirdly rude so the dynamic it mainly focuses on felt too mean-spirited for me to care. The gameplay itself was standard picross which I like quite a bit so I had an ok time actually playing it. The music during the puzzles was pleasant and I appreciated the function of it auto-filling unused tiles when you complete a row so I wish it had more puzzles.