Reviews from

in the past

It takes a lot of time for fishes to grow and I think it might take about at least 5 years to find every fish and buy everything. Fortunately I cheated my way through and finished the game in about 10 hours.

As a full time office worker, me and idle games have been friends a long time. Usually I'd play these on my phone, especially when I commuted into a real office. When I started working remotely, it took me a while to realize that I could play them on my PC too. Enter Chillquarium. It's a simple and lovely thing to buy an idle game for under $5 and to never see a single ad or microtransaction that the genre is usually littered with. The art is cute, the music is nice. Same species fish seem to group together, which is a clever touch, even if it's not always realistic. I love fish (absolutely crazy about them) and I have real fish in my life, so I don't need a simulator in my games. Anyone looking for realism should look elsewhere. What this game offers is a casual collecting experience that scratches the gacha itch without any of the traps and is totally finite. You raise fish, make money, buy more fish, upgrade tanks, decorate them if you feel like it, and keep doing it until you've collected everything and/or customized your tanks the way you want. When you're done, you're done.

I play this game on and off when I feel like it and likely won't be truly done anytime soon but that's just how I'm choosing to play. I don't think binging or obsessively collecting rare fish would be a fun way to go about it, but some people do this and are usually the ones to say the game doesn't have enough going on in it. I don't think that's quite right, but it's not exactly wrong either. Chillquarium does what it does very well, but it is a simple game. More features would be a welcome addition, particularly in tank customization. The UI also leaves a lot to be desired; it functions technically but is far from intuitive. Those are my only complaints and it's why I'm rating this 4 stars instead of 5. I don't expect the world from a game like this and what Chillquarium promises, it does deliver on.

Seemed like a really relaxing game but when I saw it would take 3 days for my fish to grow up I realized this is just another mobile AFK game.

The fishies are cute, but the idle mechanics are not engaging enough to keep me logging back in day after day.

another chill idle game ! kinda a bit lacking in content tho

very cute aquarium idler, there's a good variety of fish and getting gold/rainbow fish in a pack itches my brain nicely

Tienes muy pocas opciones de crecimiento como tal y relativamente pronto llegas al tier máximo, donde ya no te queda hacer nada más que dejar bonito los acuarios, pero la personalización es tan simplona que ni eso puedes hacer. Creo que cumple raspado el ser un iddle o el ser bonito, sin llegar a conseguir casi realmente nada de eso.

Chillquarium is an idle game in the truest sense. You can barely do anything, and you're just supposed to look at it. Its generally a good execution of that, but its kinda hard to critique an aquarium.

My partner and I recently bought some chili rasbora for our small fish tank. You'll be surprised to learn that the joy of fish care comes from feeling responsible for the health and happiness of an animal, and not from acquiring billions of imaginary dollars in order to get more fish in order to get more dollars.

Idle games are a blight.

I collected every normal and painted fish at the time of writing this review. My take on this game is that the developer wanted to emphasize the chill- more than the -quarium, and (in my opinion) to its detriment. I feel like the core gameplay loop isn't that fun, and takes a backseat to the collecting aspect. Still, I'd say it's worth the Steam sale price, moreso if you're a fan of this genre and are looking for a play-once-a-day type of incremental game.

It's a decent chill game where you collect and grow fish. As you gain more money, you move onto more different types of fish and more tanks to grow them in. That's the whole gameplay loop in a nutshell.

Now there are different rarities of fish to collect (Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythic) and different color variants as well (Normal, Painted, Golden, Rainbow). All the achievements are tied to collecting the color variants of the Fish. (Collecting all from each species, each species painted, and each species gold.)

This is where the game gets annoying as you have a 1/1000 chance of getting a gold fish and even less of getting a rainbow fish. Most of the end-game, achievement collecting is just spam buying fish and selling them until you get the golds you need. It's okay.

I haven't played that many Idle Games yet, so I can't reference that many of them for this review, but I really enjoyed this game. It is extremely ''simple'' but quite effective.

You just keep buying fish packs and grow them with time. Once they are grown up you can sell them to buy more fish or keep them and they earn you money by the second!

There is different tanks, decorational elements and ofc fish.


(++) The thrill of getting different rarities of fish in the packets!

(+) Variety of fish (types, colors, palinted, golden, rainbow)

(+ -) Though the game is extremely simple and you don't need to do a lot, which is the point of an idle game, I did wish for a few more things to do than just sell and buy fish!

(+ -) Decorations are cute but i'd like to customize more!

(+ - ) The achievements are a pain and they will take ages, but I suppose the developer was nice by not including rainbow and painted mythics haha

( - ) The game is lovely but it does get a bit repetitive. Still very much worth the small prize and a lovely game that is worth checking into once a day.

Fun fish play — lots of grind.

started this game yesterday and realized i might have a thing towards idle games...

i'm only in day 2 but somehow i'm really enjoying relaxing and collecting fish. The gameplay loop seems solid and I can this being one of my go-to background games while I work.

Pretty decent idler. I like the fishies

An idle game that gives you very little engagement. Really missed the mark.

It's a relatively standard idle game with one major difference, it doesn't feel like it demands your attention at all. It gets to just be chill, there no constant and quickly exponential growth, just a slow vibe.

Chillquarium is an idle game where you load it up every day for 10 minutes, sell duplicate fish, and then close it. The fish are static pngs that float around the tank towards your cursor. You can buy more and bigger tanks, as well as static pngs to add as decoration.
This game added nothing to my day every day and I kept playing it for a few months because it was just 10 minutes a day and it wasn't offensive or anything but I don't think I will ever think of this game again after uninstalling it.
There is nothing here for you beyond just something to kill 10 minutes a day. It is a game that won't surprise or engage you. It's not meant to do that, I guess, but I imagine that if the fish were actually animated or the mechanics were in any way interesting I would feel rather positively about the game.
I don't wanna be mean to the game, but it feels like the design document began and ended with "chill vibes". There are too many small problems with the game - fish feeding barely works, the game has no sell duplicates button, the value tab constantly bugs out and displays incorrectly - for it to be this simple. You could do worse, but cookie clicker is free.

A chill game you to open once in a while to collect fishes of every kind. Kind of like a clicker but way more simple. The menu is the worst and should be updated.