Reviews from

in the past

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I left a negative review on Steam which maybe wasn't necessary but man I hate a surprise incest plotline. It was free so I feel bad complaining but it really bummed me out.

Honestly, it's better than a lot of 'paid' VNs I've read so far. Give it a try. Steam achievements were a bit buggy tho.

Excellent presentation for a free ren'py VN and simple but straightforward character design. The initial premise of playing through an abusive mother was interesting. That's it. Everything else is incredibly disappointing with multiple scenes with extremely dubious consent, glorified demon incest, and none of the class expected from a mature victorian story. Came off as crude, raunchy and uncomfortable. Normally I'm unphased and I don't mind reading VNs i didn't end up enjoying but this truly felt like a colossal waste of time.

i mightve enjoyed it a bit more if i didnt predict every single plottwist before it happened. also the sex scenes were very questionable regarding consent and were overall uncomfortable to read + the writing in general was overly detailed resembling a wannabe author on wattpad

Very interesting and dramatic story forgot how good it is the surprise twist is very fun!

A free to play Visual Novel on Steam; I figured because it was free it was going to be a generic romance VN. I didn't read much through the comments so I wasn't spoiled on anything. This game DOES have warnings for content when you hit play for the first time and yes, it's necessary. Although there was an option for me to play the game with mature settings off.

A very dark, twisted story with mature themes. There are illustrations that show blood, suicide, and erotic scenes. Story mentions self-harm, physical/verbal abuse, and dubious consent. Definitely the most mature VN I have ever experienced.

The audio features beautiful melodies and sounds that fit the story and era. No voice acting but not necessary.

The story has a theme of abuse and the character's perceptions of love. It was totally not what I expected; surprised me in a good way. I was expecting something similar to a simplified version of an "otome" game.

Once I finished my first ending (there's five), I was left with the feeling of WTF did I just see; so I jumped back in for the other endings!

It's free but do be mindful of the warnings.

one of my faves ever but i played it when i was 11 so probs just bc i forgot any flaws that would make it bad