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in the past

I think I'm usually decently averse to the idea of remasters or director's cuts or things along those lines. I think more often than not that reskinning something that's already been worked on, building a recreation of something from scratch, or even just fucking re-releasing stuff is always profit motivated. I hate that shit.

Dusk HD isn't that. Because it's free. They just made it for the sake of making it. It's a free mod that completely dressed up one of the best shooters I've ever played; the blocky textures and silly models are replaced with other blocky textures and silly models. I don't think it makes the game any better or worse, really. Still runs just as smooth and it's still Dusk. As long as those things remain intact, Dusk and what it represents to me in terms of artistry and appreciation for a familiar form (they just released the SDK, and a full DDK is on the way,) is the coolest shit out there.

Its DUSK, but in HD for all the idiots on Twitter who complained about the graphics looking like the Playstation 1 even though that was the design aesthetic you utter fools.

I love DUSK, full stop. Loved it since seeing the trailer for it back in 2016. Amazing Boomer Shooter experience. And how can you possibly iterate upon perfection? You can only maintain, which is what DUSK HD offers to you. The revamped levels (adding enemies introduced in later episodes retroactively, among other slight changes) are welcome for secret hunters and normal players alike.

The DLC is also totally free for current owners of DUSK because to quote CEO of New Blood Interactive Dave Oshry, "We Hate Money." Buy DUSK; and if you already own it, play DUSK.

A pretty solid mod to one of the greatest shooters of the last few years. Dusk HD doesn't reinvent how the original is played (at most it remixes some sections) but the HD shine is nice and makes experiencing the game a lot smoother (especially the new weapon models). Besides that its still a wonderful game with excellent level design and pacing that never outstays its welcome. Also has some of the best weapons in a shooter, with the Assault Rifle being my favorite of the bunch (though the Crossbow and Riveter also kick ass). Whether its HD or Original, I'd highly recommend playing Dusk to anyone looking for a fantastic FPS, retro or otherwise.


The HD version is good, only area that left disappointment was some basic textures that could have been given more depth.

Dusk was after my first playthrugh one of the best shooters I have played. And while it still is great, my enjoyment of it has infect dropped a little. Nowadays, I am especially drained by the lack of geuninely interesting enemies and perhaps to an extent level gameplay wise? I'm unsure about that last complaint because at the same time Dusk's biggest strength are some of its standout levels and their atmosphere. Episode 2 and especially Episode 3 constantly reward you with breathtaking absurd sceneries.
The soundtrack, of course, is also good and the base gameplay is cool aswell. It's just that it does not hold up on replays.