Reviews from

in the past

O ponto mais forte desse jogo definitivamente é a ambientação e como esse jogo escolhe a como te mostrar o terror. Os puzzles são bem legais e gostosinhos de se resolver, nada muito complicado e nada muito facil. Uma coisa que posso destacar é que ele não precisa utilizar de sustos baratos para te causar medo, igual a outros jogos de terror ae ;)))

I love retro type games and this game is no exception. The demo was short but it introduced the key mechanics in a great way while also having a great amount of anticipation and suspense. I also love how the killer's AI is randomized, it keeps me on my toes. And this is getting developed by only 2 people?! I'm really amazed at how great the demo is with such a small team. I'm definitely wishlisting this on Steam and will follow the game's development.

Small Game Issue: The only issue I had was towards the end where I had to evade the killer in the drama room. When that scene begins I couldn't read all of the text because it was hidden behind the slanted wood in front of the teacher's desk. This may have happened because I was standing so close to it but I thought I'd report it if it's a bug.

(Original review was posted on Itch so I'm adding it here)

Honestly the aesthetics were everything even if the gameplay was pretty simple. I loved it on a spooky October night and ps1 nostalgia vibes.

an awesome, albiet short, game! the art style is amazing & fits so well, it actually made some sections a little scarier than i thought it was going to be! the story is soo good & the puzzles were satisfying. the steam description says its very silent hill & resident evil inspired, but i think this game shines bright on its own! i would love if these dev's made another horror game.

Very good! For a two dev team it was very impressive. The survival horror gameplay loop is there, find objects to solve puzzles, run around for 5 minutes because you didn’t realize on item you got goes to this puzzle, etc. Very engaging narrative as well, drip feeding you slowly throughout the game. Honestly my major gripe is I wish it was longer, sure I could do with better stealth sections, as they begin to wear thin even over the 2-3 hour run time. I would love to see more from this team

really like this game! big fan of the aesthetics as well as the monsters in the game too. fun puzzles too. it actually had me scared too very fun!