Reviews from

in the past

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Basically bought it the moment it came out and didn't stop reading. I expected not to be into it since I didn't really care for Mayuri, but it ended up being more about Suoh than anyone else, which I appreciated. I wouldn't say I liked it more than Ete, but it serves as a pretty good ending. It kinda left me wanting more though. I really cared for the cast by the end and I kind of want to see more stories about them going through high school and eventually having to deal with leaving the academy.

I have no idea where to start. Seeing all the characters grow over the course of 4 VNs was great, don't think that wasn't the case for any of the main cast, even Rikka who I disliked for most of the series lmao. The relationships formed and how they grew was definitely my favourite aspect. The mystery was well built up across the VNs, from the start there was always something built upon, whether it was subtle or in your face. The references to literature, movies, or the secondary meanings to different flowers added so much meaning to different situations throughout, brought me into the series even more. I feel I have so much to say about this, I could keep rambling about it, or just not have the ability to sum it up with words

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Oh boy, how to I even describe Hiver and FLOWERS and how much I will miss it. FLOWERS is a series I've being following since Printemps 6 years ago, and I can remember that day like yesterday. Was what single handle made me get into Visual Novels. Be by the gorgeous CG's, Stunning soundtrack and so much depth behind a lot of themes. Never in my life I felt so in love with a series that made cry rivers of joy.

Obviously the wait for each new volume wasn't easy and ovoid spoilers at all cost too. But at each Volume FLOWERS really show the kind of direction it was going with, seeing those girls grown by each year really felt so special as a new volume comes out. How Innocent was really polishing them, adding depth and meaning for it. FLOWERS have always being a series with lots of meaning behind it : we have subtext, language of flowers, quotes from the christianism that makes some sort of connection. FLOWERS always brought me joy for those reason, embarking into the tale which the struggles these girls face on, learning bout it.

Adding simple things that are the ones that hit you the most, and let's not forget all the gorgeous presentation that goes around each chapter thought all the series. FLOWERS is a series that always have being about the details, how beautiful crafted Innocent Grey made then bloom. And finally Hiver could't be any different.

From the build up of the previous volumes, Hiver is what makes them shine the most. Be how the mystery around Mayuri disappearance was resolved. The pursuit that lead with lots of hooks even before of Printemps takes place blows my mind away. Reminding me why I love FLOWERS so much, how it always treated those subtext with delicate and gentle tones. FLOWERS is once a lifetime experience I will never forget, a series I grew fond of over the years, and specially one I can never talk about enough. Flowers is forever, and if you can give the series a chance. FLOWERS is definitely one you won't regret.