Reviews from

in the past

Freediver is super short but a very polished and intense vr experience with by far the best swimming mechanics in a vr game to date.

im kinda saddened to say that this game really dissapointed me, and not exactly because it was a bad game, honestly its a good game! the underwater atmosphere is great, i loved exploring and looking at the scenery, the controls are alright, the swimming works altough the grabbing is a bit inprecise at times, there were points where i missed where i wanted to grab or i kept pressing the grip button and it wouldnt grab which was frustrating, something else i didnt like were the cutscenes, theyre fine but theyre all in 3rd person, as in you look at your character from an outsider perspective not their pov, i dont understand why they didnt make them first person cause these 3rd person ones kinda broke the immersion and they dont show anything really worthy of being in 3rd person

but those are not the worst things and not exactly why i give this game a negative review, the reason is that its way too short, i had no idea this game was gonna be less than an hour when i played it and when the credits rolled all i could think was "wait thats it?", right when it ended the game was getting good and i was getting excited for what the rest of the game had to offer and then it just suddenly stopped, now that i look at it after finishing it the game does not offer enough, the idea of the game is great but they barely do anything interesting with it, you just swim trough not that exciting places and solve basic puzzles, they couldve put you into super cool looking underwater areas with interesting sea life, or old dark sunken ships full of skeletons of the old crew, but instead the game decided to end before they did anything cool with it, which is why im so dissapointed with it

Unique game centered around going deeper and deeper in diving. Oddly, it can actually be stressful as you dive deeper and deeper. However, ultimately it doesn't bring anything super unique to the table and ends up being disappointing.