Reviews from

in the past

Friendly Fire is a short but entertaining ride through a nonsensical and fun world filled with oddball characters.
It's very charming, and what it lacks in content, it makes up for with its personality and quirky humour.

The game overall looks nice with its pixel art and the music is very good as well, I really enjoyed the ending credits song!
Although you can complete the game quickly, apparently there's multiple endings you can get, which is really cool.

I don't have any complaints here, and for a free game, you cannot go wrong it.

Really interesting little game. I think the biggest issue I had was that in the route I was playing, you have to bring an item to a character, but you can't just talk to the character when you're holding the item, you have to throw it at them, which isn't prompted or stated anywhere in the dialogue or with key prompts. Unnecessarily confusing. But otherwise, a very cute game that I really enjoyed my time with. I don't say it often, but this game had pretty good dialogue too.

Free, fun game. What's not to like? I love that this little game also has multiple endings.

its kinda sick for a game jam game

É ok.. não tenho muito o que dizer, é um joguinho meio sem sentido mas que tem sentido. Não tem muita explicação por trás mas esse é o objetivo do jogo, a história se desenvolve de um jeito totalmente aleatório e é exatamente isso que é pra ser. Tem muita coisa acontecendo ao mesmo tempo, eu queria jogar só um joguinho bobinho e simples pra passar o tempo e acho que acertei em cheio kkkk