Reviews from

in the past

Was ok with friends. Nothing spectacular.

[Main Story]
In the beginning before beginning level the player has several Loas in which each one has its ability to heal, to do damage among others. Along with the Pins where each one has a skill being able to upgrade with Gold acquired in completed or incomplete missions. Not forgetting that at the beginning can be a bit difficult because it is necessary to buy Pins to increase the status of the character so that can last longer in the missions in order to complete them.

The fun of this game are the various masks that are gained by drop or completing missions defeating the final boss.

After choosing the Loa, Pins and the mask the player can start the missions. In each mission the dungeons will be different from the previous mission, and can sometimes be generic. Each dungeon has several traps and obstacles. Given that we can not go back to the previous dungeon.

In the course of the various dungeons there are sometimes shops, synthetics among others. Giving the player the possibility to combine 2 Mojos giving him boosters and for examples to reveal the map, do double damage if the monster has below a certain percentage of Hp.

The only weapon that player can use are wands to which there are several temporary upgrades to help pass the mission along with items (which do not belong to the player, and can be random) having luck or luck in what appears and can determine if the missions will succeed or not.

The game camera is what leaves a negative aspect. This is because the enemies only appear at the player’s short distance, appearing at random, which can cause a bad moment for the player.

The online mode apparently is dead. When I try play i had a good time waiting but no one showed up so I gave up.

For those who are fans of the genre I recommend playing.