Reviews from

in the past

This is a ride all right.

Giraffe Town can only be described as a real experience.
It is one of those things that are purposefully made to look unprofessional and it greatly adds to it's charm.

It features a goofy story, incredibly lovable characters and some genuinely hard gameplay sections.

My favourite channel Friends Without Benefits played this game and I thought it was really good. (Cade can beat up a giraffe)

dev must of been on some ungodly substance during the 2nd half of this game

What the shit is this? A giraffe in a town? Over my dead body!

unironically such a unique game


This game is for a VERY specific public to enjoy, i almost want to believe it's just a very elaborated joke, but even if that is the case, i feel like there's still enjoyment to be found in this; if you can get past THAT part from the beginning, that is.
It's a nice art piece for sure, it has a level of (positive) weird that you don't see often and it's very clearly Silent Hill inspired or straight out a parody, if you are into that kind of black-comedy/comedy horror stuff.
Barely any gameplay outside of the bs section at the beginning though, maybe just watch it on Youtube instead.

** watched the game grumps

my god this was beautiful. better than silent hill 2

Even when you get past the tedious drawn-out beginning (that's pretty clearly just there to filter a large part of the player-base that would be interested in this) the game just rewards you with a below average horror-parody story and more dull gameplay. If you're really that interested just watch a playthrough or something.

Town got a Giraffe in it. Crazy shit

This is one of those games that's art

You can't win against giraffe town.

this game sure is something.