Reviews from

in the past

the last great gran turismo game really everything after this is shafted in some way and aren't in the spirit of gran turismo

also this game has content for fucking days you can spend hundreds of hours and still have stuff to do

No other game, including later Gran Turismo entries, better understands the inherent dream that every car fanatic really aspires to - a fleet of unrealistically-modified and personalized shitboxes. Still waiting for a real sequel.

Sem comentários, esse jogo é metade da minha infância

Jogava com os meus irmãos, foda.

needs no words. play it yourself.

I recall a time when I thought game graphics couldn't get any better than this game right here... another great GT outing, especially for car enthusiasts.

This improved upon GT3 with even more races, cars, etc. I always loved the license tests too.

My favourite racing game of all time. So many amazing tracks, cars, races, challenges and music. Definitive GT. Just wish I had all the time in the world to play through it again.

this one was too good so 5 and 6 sucked

2 tanesini de denedim, bu serinin benlik olmadığına karar verdim.

initial d been making me wanna get into car games so decided to emulate this. first sim racing game this shit is addicting. time trials on the italian maps with the banging soundtrack in the background rule. just pure soul on display.

Patrick Bateman com fones de ouvido tocando GT Mode 5

My Silvia just goes NYOOOOOOM hehe
good simcade.

Nada que decir que no sea perfección ante dios

The best jazz ever known to mankind, only to clean a car

True rating:
Gameplay & Mechanics: 10/10= ⭐️1
Graphics & Visuals: 10/10= ⭐️1
Sound & Music: 9/10= ⭐️0.9
Quality & Polishing: 9/10= ⭐️0.9
Setting & Campaign: 10/10= ⭐️1

1 + 1 + 0.9 + 0.9 + 1 = ⭐️4.8

The best singleplayer experience in the series and maybe the best singleplayer car game of all time, no even mentioning is one of the best games period. My absolute top favorite game has enless content, an amazing soundtrack, incredible handling and a utterly inmaculate presentation. If you like cars this will be like heaven, this is the best entry point of the series if you are searching for a singleplayer only experience.

This game can be overwhelming for those who don't know much about cars but the difficulty is kinda easy for a good portion of the campaign and you can complete the main game without getting into the technical stuff (A guide can be useful as well, avoid excessive amounts of grinding searching what are the best events for the time and money expended accesible with your licence level), just focus on the experience of driving the cars, how they react to your imputs, learning how you can squeeze their performance in the track, that is the real challenge that will keep you invested, this game is not all about completing tasks because there is too much content, in fact, I frequently procastinate the campaign just to test the cars that I had unlocked in Arcade Mode, just me, the cars, the road and the timer, of course this doesn't mean that thats the only thing you have to do, enjoy every part of the game as something more casual if you want, but enjoy the drive as much as you can.

By the way, surely you'll want to upgrade your cars sooner or later, you can make this simple by just buying the upgrades and nothing else, adjusting or tuning anything digit by digit is never necessary, just make sure you choose a good car that meets the requirements for the event, this requirements will never be something too complicated. Be advised that you can't drive like in a Need for speed, but it's not "The Real Driving Simulator" either, that's just marketing, it's not that realistic even comparing it with others driving sims of the time, drive with your brain but don't be scared of finding out your limits, rest assure that your rivals will be easy to beat if you follow these tips, if you approach this game in a slow but consistent manner, by the time you get to the hard events you will probably be used to the game, because the game is too damn long, just like this review LMAO

Probably the best Gran Turismo game from a casual perspective, with an insane number of cars, and tons of events to use them in. This series excels for the enthusiast, but as a casual fan, this game is what Gran Turismo is to me.

I fucking hate the way credits work on this game. Otherwise, it's very good.

This game >>> uncensored Japanese porn

S tier simcade racing on PS2 - loads of content, amazing graphics, and impressive wheel support

Eu ainda fico abismado como um jogo conseguiu ser tão atemporal quanto Gran Turismo 4.

In 2004, the Gran Turismo series-only 7 years past its debut-was already one of the biggest franchises in gaming history. Its first two titles pushed the limits of what was possible on the PS1, and were two of the system's three highest selling games of all time. And while the series debut had slightly higher sales, the second in the series was a distinctly better package, offering more tracks, more cars, and more racing modes. As it turns out, that trend would very much continue for Sony's second system, too. Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec was a graphical revolution for its time, and once again, was a top 3 seller for the PS2. And once again, Gran Turismo 4 offered everything in GT3, with the content dial turned up to 11-earning itself a spot right below its predecessor on the PS2 all time sales list. But for many, GT4 offers more than just an enhanced version of its prequel, and to many, it represents the peak of the Gran Turismo series.

For all the benefits the jump to the 6th generation gave, the biggest flaw in GT3's design was clear. There was simply not enough variety in the gameplay, the cars, or the tracks to make it justify its length. All of which, luckily, will likely never be said about Gran Turismo 4. The numbers speak for themselves in this regard; almost four times as many cars, almost two times as many tracks, and over twice as many events. So brimming with content is GT4 that it sometimes makes its predecessor feel like a demo. And even with the extra content, the game doesn't feel lacking in polish or passion. And through that passion, a game that might otherwise have held a players interest for a few hours can now keep them attached for dozens. There's still way too much content in this game for any reasonable person to be expected to complete, and of course, only diehard simulation racing fans will be able to stave off the repetitive feeling from the later parts of the game, but its impressive that GT4 works for as long as it does.

Ironically, perhaps the most fun parts of the game come from the License Tests, which offers a definitive marker to test your skills against. There's more tests than in previous events, and while the 1 lap challenges can be a bit frustrating, it serves as a good benchmark for your driving skills and mechanical understanding. The Driving Missions as well are a nice addition, even if some of them-such as the infamous Nürburgring Challenge #34-take way too much time to even prepare to attempt, let alone actually attempt. (In the previously mentioned example, each attempt demands your car sit idle for 123 seconds, and you have to wait in real time.) But a good challenge is, regrettably, something you don't get much of in the core racing mode. The computer AI is not particularly impressive, especially for a realistic racing sim. As a result, it's often difficult to make a clean overtake without competitors making some kind of contact, and not super difficult to do much of anything else, even with similar or slightly underpowered machinery. And in the game's new B-Spec mode, where you take on the role of strategist while AI controls your car, doesn't fare much better. It's a nice addition in theory, especially for the extremely long endurance races, but it's not something you can really rely on unless using a far superior car.

Of course, to a simulation racing aficionado, Gran Turismo 4 is an absolute blessing. It takes the great framework from GT3 and expands upon it without sacrificing quality. Even though its been far surpassed technically since its release, many fans of the series still view it as one of the best GT has to offer, and it's not hard to see why, even from the perspective of a racing novice. It's an extremely polished title that will no doubt deliver a lot of excitement and fun before it wears out its welcome on you, which could be anywhere from 20 hours to 200. Full of tools to push drivers to their absolute limit, it's no surprise Gran Turismo 4 is still fondly remembered as a great title, and one of the best in the business of simulation racing.

açık ara farkla en iyi Gran Turismo oyunu

the world of 2000s automobiling has never looked so pretty (in ps2 standards). banger soundtrack too

Wow. I love GT Sport, but this outdoes it in every way. It has smoother driving and is all around just great. This is making me so excited to get GT3 A-Spec!


tenía volante en esta epoca, god

Esse jogo possivelmente tem os melhores gráficos do ps2, vários carros também, só que eu não curto muito simulador