Reviews from

in the past

I spent hundreds of hours playing this. Top notch graphics for its time and gameplay felt pretty realistic. Love this game until this day!

Jogo absurdo de bom, e muito bonito pro PS2, eu sempre pego o Mazda Rx7 no começo do jogo era um dos meus preferidos

"Gran Turismo 4," released for the PlayStation 2 in 2004, is often hailed as a pinnacle of racing simulation games, offering an incredibly detailed and realistic driving experience. Developed by Polyphony Digital, the game features an extensive roster of over 700 cars and 50 tracks, all meticulously recreated to provide an authentic racing experience. The game’s attention to detail is impressive, from the handling of each vehicle to the accurate representation of famous racing circuits worldwide.

For those who love the intricacies of motorsports and the thrill of fine-tuning vehicles, Gran Turismo 4 is a dream come true. The driving physics are designed to mirror real-world conditions, making the game a haven for enthusiasts who enjoy mastering every turn and tweak. The expansive career mode lets players work their way up from humble beginnings to becoming a world-class racer, and the sheer depth of options for customizing and upgrading cars is a testament to the game’s commitment to realism.

However, for players who aren't deeply passionate about racing simulations, Gran Turismo 4 might feel more like a chore than a joyride. The game's focus on precision and accuracy can make it less accessible to those who prefer a more arcade-style, casual racing experience. The steep learning curve and the need to understand vehicle dynamics and track intricacies can be overwhelming and, at times, frustrating.

Additionally, the game’s emphasis on realism means that some of the excitement and immediacy found in other, more action-oriented racing games is sacrificed. The meticulous attention to detail and the methodical pace required to succeed can feel slow and tedious to those looking for quick thrills and easy wins.

In conclusion, while Gran Turismo 4 excels as a racing simulator and is highly regarded by aficionados of the genre, it may not be the best fit for players who find the precision and depth of simulation games too demanding. For those who prefer their racing games with a bit more speed and spectacle and a bit less attention to detail, GT4’s rigorous approach might not deliver the fun and excitement they seek.

Patrick Bateman com fones de ouvido tocando GT Mode 5

I don't play racing games very much but 3 and 4 hold a lot of nostalgia to me cuz my dad played them a lot.

Also this song is absolute fire

O melhor Gran Turismo já lançado na história e nenhum outro titulo da franquia lançado depois chega perto dele, é simplesmente bom demais e é um jogo que eu revisito diversas vezes e nunca me cansa!

Racing game perfection, I owe most of my love for and by extension knowledge of cars to this game

Once a masterpiece, still a masterpiece.

A kino racing game that doesn't hold your hand after doing the license tests, PACKED with tons of cars, tracks and events. A buffet of racing right here

i dont remember playing the game very well but the soundtrack holds to this day

The depth and realism of Gran Turismo 4 was simply astonishing at the time. The racing was superb - but what really made the game tick was everything around it. It was a racing game where you could sink hours not racing, taking driving tests, upgrading your cars, hitting the oval to break speed records, watching an AI driving race for you in B-Spec mode.. so many ways to enjoy the game as short breaks between the highly intense act of racing. Superb soundtrack too. Masterpiece.

Não joguei muito na real, sempre achei muito difícil pelo nível de realismo, mas ficava horas observando os detalhes dos carros.

Top 1 melhores jogos de corrida. Ótimo pra quem quer somente relaxar correndo em quaisquer percurso, ou realmente querer zerar:
- OST espetácular;
- Carros fodas;
- Mecanicas realistas pra krl em cada carro;
- Percursos históricos;
- Missões boas (não tenho interesse em zerar).
Defenitivamente um dos jogos de PS2 (históricos e marcantes), merece todo o reconhecimento.

tenía volante en esta epoca, god

i remember playing this with my brother and my best friend: we fought and screamed but mostly we just had fun. when i was 11 i bought my first ever CD with my own money and it was Franz Ferdinand because a song by them was featured on the soundtrack of this game.

license test your way to a fun game eventually

gt4 is still an insane game to me. to sit and think about how much you get on one disc for the price is a fools errand. the amount of hours needed to 100% this game must be in the thousands, there is so much content that it puts modern games to shame. plus, its not all just content for the sake of it, every race provides you with something different or wants to push you to do better. the career mode is probably the best in racing game history, because of the variety of races you get to do and how you genuinely need to be careful with your budgeting. it plays like a wet dream, too. every car feels extremely accurate and no two feel the same. nike 2022 come on nike where is it

Nada que decir que no sea perfección ante dios

Not a huge fan of racing games, but this is a pretty good one and I had some fun. My dad was the one that loved it.

Wow. I love GT Sport, but this outdoes it in every way. It has smoother driving and is all around just great. This is making me so excited to get GT3 A-Spec!


good game, many cars good ost by t square guy