Reviews from

in the past

It's Halo, and it's a lot of fun. The only real complaints I have are with the monetization of the game and extremely slow progression. But my god, this is the most fun I've had with a multiplayer FPS in a really long time.

I realise 343 were in the unenviable position of needing to make a good Halo game, but given they did so, they needed to convince people to actually try it, and so we got this free-to-play deal. It's a real shame because the core game feels like classic Halo with a respectable bit of Reach and 4 thrown in, and I would love to be able to just buy it and avoid the horrible monetisation dreck we're left with.

The battle pass progression feels extremely predatory, and despite a welcome post-launch change to add experience for each played game, the fact that without going premium there are many levels where you get absolutely no reward feels completely ghoulish. Even a handful of armour customisation options available from the jump, or unlocked in-game would alleviate this problem, but Microsoft have clearly seen the whales on the horizon and that's now the focus.

All that being said, the core gameplay is fantastic, a real return to form for the series. Guns feel and sound great, the mechanics work how they ought to, and it's just downright fun. Jumping in a fire team with friends is a great time, and well worth the time. Some of the newer game types feel a bit off - what the heck is a power seed, anyway - but the gameplay itself is so solid that really doesn't matter too much.

Gamepad input is a bit weird, and I'm struggling to dial in the settings just how I like, I think there might be a bit of an aggressive deadzone making things feel pretty coarse.

I can't find the fucking battle pass

So far I’m a little disappointed by the excessive battle pass and overall monetization, as well as the lack of custom options. I’m also not a fan of the 10-second default respawn time (it works in some modes, but why in Slayer?). However, the game plays and feels great: they nailed the core gameplay loop. Hopefully the campaign is good.

As far as the game right now, the gameplay is some of the best, if not the best in the series so far. Maps are all great. Hope they fix a couple of issues I have but the team seems willing to work on it and improve it. If this doesn't prove true I will be sad.

Alright, so...

Halo Infinite multiplayer's gameplay is very addictive. I've found myself playing it a bunch with a group of friends and we always have a great time. The speed of the gameplay is refreshing.

However, the unlockable content is implemented very poorly. Why is customization locked behind microtransactions? Shit's gross.

at least its a step in the right direction

Senti que le faltaban cosas al juego

The sheer lack of content hurts my soul.

Fun gameplay with atrocious monetization and severe lack of content.

fun, but not a lot to keep you there.

I'm never going to play Halo Infinite's single player, but just playing the multiplayer certainly hasn't left a good impression. Live-service games are hell on Earth.

It's Halo!
I hadn't played it since 3 and this one was very fun, actually.

"Not at Launch" is this game's mantra, and it's a real shame. The base game is entirely solid, and most of the issues surrounding Infinite's F2P multiplayer - Egregious MTX that are more "Macro" than "Micro" in pricing, weird weapon nerfs from the pre-release flights, and needlessly restrictive armor customization really leave an ugly mark on an otherwise excellent package. Once again a barebones MP launch after Halo 5's non-existent suite of game modes and community features even after a 1-Year delay is... Baffling.

Coming off of the promising sounding promo materials regarding monetization and customization as well, the trend continues - If a 343i Halo game sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.

343 finally made a good halo, but they accidentally fucked it up with the shitty payment progression.

They've promised more features with time, but whether or not they change the free-to-play economy into something that doesn't feel predatory remains to be seen.

Not gonna give it a rating because its still in beta technically but super fun and excited for the future of this game

I don't enjoy competitive multiplayer games where the only goal is to kill people for no reason and get killed al the time, so I only spend around 2 hours with this, but gameplay wise it's just super good. The only complain I have is I wouldn't mind respawns being a bit faster, but that's such a minor thing.

the gameplay is so good and there is zero content to show for it. the only game that has less content than this is splatoon 2.

Pain? Suffering even? The gameplay is very good and I'm the good olé hopium train

343 a nova ubisoft dos jogos multiplayer

Played 100+ matches of this so I figured I'd include it. Gameplay-wise it's amazing! It's Halo, baby! But issues with the battlepass and monetization drag it down a bit. Needs more maps desperately

fun when it released but got boring

Pretty shit season to start off with. Meh armor pieces and bloated reward tiers. No thanks I don't need 50 challenge swaps and XP boosts.

the hype was fun but Man what a wack release

Alright Multiplayer, slightly lacking though