Reviews from

in the past

Excellent DLC. Playing as the Banished is a lot of fun, I like hearing classic chatter between the grunts and brutes. The story is also pretty interesting as it ties back into the aftermath of Halo 3 which I really like. The missions are pretty varied once again and the flood designs are perfectly disgusting. More of the same of what the original game gave you but with Banished units and a cool final level.

Evrene ve oyuna katkısına bakarsak bomboş vakit kaybı. Güzel değil. Sırf Halo Infinite ile bağlantılı olacak diye oynadım, oynamayın deymez.

The story is pretty interesting & playing as the Banished is a nice change of pace. The objectives are really varied so it doesn't get too repetitive.

I am taking off 1/2 - 1 stars because the game crashed multiple times & my save wouldn't load at one point (turns out moving the game from the internal SSD of the Series X to the external hard drive fixed the save issue). There are also multiple times where you have to do a specific objective but it's not obvious because the waypoint marker blends in with the object.

don't remember a single thing.