Reviews from

in the past

Shelved for now, but wanted to leave a review since I see that it doesn't have any yet. I'm pretty sure this was a solo developer effort, and I think it's a commendable homage to Heretic-style gameplay.

This plays a lot like Hexen (central hub-world that leads to different worlds which unlock various transformations which your character can use to access new areas, such as a snake that can breathe underwater and fit through very small openings). I definitely love this transformation aspect, and would be very interested to see where it went for the rest of the game, but the backtracking and level design is hard to swallow for the time being, as I also just wrapped up a Hexen playthrough and I'm tired of the formula for the time being.

Also of note is that, given that you play a necromancer in the game, I felt like the necromancy aspect of the game was a bit undercooked. Necromancy abilities were tied to consumable objects, like items in Heretic/Hexen, which was fine (I never ran out of them), but the level design did not encourage their use. When enemies are revived, they stayed in a very small area and didn't follow the player around. However, enemy placement in the levels I played was never terribly dense, so by the time I got around to using the necromancy power on a downed enemy, they might help take out one or two more enemies, then they'd shuffle around in place for the rest of my visit to the level. I'd recommend either building more "arena"-style areas with higher enemy density so it makes sense to take the time to raise the dead, or re-code raised followers to follow the player around (to the best of their ability). All in all, a great effort for a small dev team and I'm excited to see what the sequel brings to the table.

Es un juego que bebe de los dooms clásicos