Reviews from

in the past

A deeply flawed competitive strategy game, but a monumental work of game feel. I still come back to play it on rare occasions, despite its lack of depth relative to other CCGs, its high degree of luck, and its truly horrendous efforts to take my money, because the presentation, setting, and polish allow it to punch well above its weight. Even the simplest of plays can feel more satisfying and impactful than some moments of deep strategy and difficult choicemaking in other card games.

One of the best parts of playing a collectible card game is the tactile feel of rifling through a hand of cards, of your deck mashing together as you shuffle, of sliding sleeved cards across your textured playmat. Instead of slavishly simulating the mechanics of a real card game, Hearthstone offers the basic beats of playing a CCG alongside enough audiovisual spectacle to make up for all those lost physical sensations.

There's only enough space in a man's brain to truly understand one card game, and unfortunately for me thats Yugioh, so I'm basically incapable of getting into anything beyond that. Even if I was, however, this would still be a soulless Blizzard™ product that's almost entirely luck based and impossible to play to the fullest extent without shilling out megabucks for cards that'll eventually just become unusable. Reject corporate greed, embrace true proletariat TCG sims like XMage or YGOPro

un peu la honte mais ça doit le jeu auquel jai le plus joue...... merci le battlegrounds d'avoir redynamisé tout ça... on en a vu des vertes et des pas mures depuis le grand tournoi mais on y revient

A empresa é uma merda?
O jogo tá em decadência?
Você rushar face de rexxar e achar letal no turno 5 não tem preço

after youve skipped two expansions just move on from deck building

luckily though, arena, tavern brawl and battlegrounds are still very enjoyable. just wish we got more roguelike single player modes like witch hunts.

edit: whoopsie

the funnest part is clicking the environment around the board

this game’s for idiots

é o melhor jogo de carta que tem, mas é pay-to-win na mesma dose.

I want to be done, but I can't.

I played a few years ago, I don't remember anything 👍

I play this whenever I'm eating lunch at my desk.
It's not very good.
The game, I mean.

(this only applies up to whispers of the old gods) really really really really really really really good card game that i think anybody would enjoy if it weren't so absolutely demanding of people's time AND money in order to keep relevant decklists.

The unhealthy addiction I used to have with this game is actually shameful in hindsight. As far as card games go, this game is amazing. It simple, but, if you know its secrets, it has an insane level of creativity and depth to it that it will have you itching for more. The downside here is that “itch” costs money and if you take a moment and look at the amount of expansions since this game’s inception, you will see that having all the best cards is a Herculean task. You can argue that you only need the most recent seasonal cards to play standard, but it’s just a matter of time before those rotate out and you are forced to spend more money on the next set. If you ever plan on breaking that spending cycle then you will have to play wild(the mode where you can play with ALL cards) but the problem is the balancing of wild. It’s chaos. So long story short, it’s a money investment that doesn’t feel worth it at the end of the road. Trust me, I hit legend, and the game was never the same again. Nowadays I just get on to win some free packs from battlegrounds and then uninstall it for several months before remembering it still exists and repeating this cycle. Still, this game has a bunch of nostalgia and good memories tied to it. Based

My Achilles' heel. One of the worst-balanced, worst-performing, poorly-updated, and money-grabbing games I've encountered (it stopped being amusing to see the game telling me to go to the store to buy something every time I open the game the second time it happened, three years ago). The audio is some of the most personally grating in any game I've ever played. Only one mode is arguably any good and only one other is arguably entertaining, with the latter being both the most random and most frustrating mode of the game. Yet I can't stop playing it, I wish I had an explanation for why, and I hate myself for it. It'll be sweet when the day comes where I can convince myself to stop playing it, but I don't think that day will come soon. There's better card games (it's not hard), but only this one has sunk its shitty hooks into my smooth brain.

Rating: 9/10 - Amazing

This review is based on my past experiences with the game, from it's launch to the end of the grand tournament expansion.

Amazing game, the balance can leave something to be desired but the presentation, mechanics and game modes all work incredibly well.

This game sucks, but damn the community was fun to be a part of. Also crazy to think Hearthstone was one of the only games I played for like 2 years

It was a good game, for the first 3-4 years. Then, power creep got out of hand and it wasn't fun anymore.

Nice card game!
Interesting and fun to play.

It was pretty decent until the game blatantly threw me against whales.
Just because you threw me newbies the first few matches doesn't mean I'm not gonna notice the immediate switch after, Blizzard.

As for 2021 the game is in an awful state, a shadow of it former self.

one of the best cards game, if you like cads game, that's for you

Tmw you realize your childhood was wasted studying a paywall based meta that changed every season update