Reviews from

in the past

Muito diferente do EP.1, também muito mais estranho e interessante. Adorei a estética e a Charlotte.

a Charlotte é literalmente eu

charlotte...oq ta acontecendo com vc :'D, toma o remedinho q vai ficar tudo bem :(

Started off slow and, frankly, slightly pretentious, but my god it hit such an intense emotional crescendo that left me lying awake at night

An immense step up from the first game. This episode builds the world masterfully and succeeds at making the many characters interesting and deep. The story is complex and full of metaphors. The only thing that this game does wrong is in its "Combat", witch is completely pointless and takes the form of "Socializing." Overall its great and i am very excited to play the third episode.

It is a sloppy experience and is pretty much a walking sim, but damn the art, characters, and story speak to my soul. Oracle Charlotte is like best char design ever.

I liked this game a lot more than EP1. Story has a little different style - it’s a lot more structured, less random, with a relatively clear theme this time around. Just like with the first episode, I like the vibes very much, and a more structured narrative is a welcomed change. However, I still find writing mostly weak - while having a more structured story is good, its themes are kinda banal. I liked to listen to this story, but I didn’t find the execution of its themes particularly striking.

Also this game has a battle system in school named “SOCIALIZATION”, where you need to defeat mentally stricken students with attempts at communication. Or blackmailing. This is brilliant.

<You're not a god loser, C. I think, you're wonderful. You're wonderful exactly because you're flawed. Because it makes you so very human. We're flawed. We're born to make errors. We hurt eachother because we are essentially egoistic. That's why I want to know you better. >

Vorágine conceptual que expande y mejora todo lo que planteaba el primer episodio. Aquí hay lugar para teorizar sobre universos paralelos y deidades más allá de toda posible comprensión, pero todo ello se usa como punto de partida para algo mucho mundano y, a la vez, humano como son los confusos y turbulentos sentimientos de una adolescente y cómo se enfrenta a un mundo demasiado hostil

this game is great. the story is nearly perfect, with charming and interesting characters, and i love the visual style. the puzzles are a lot of fun and the "socializing" combat system is neat too, but it couldve been fleshed out a little more.


Felt like so much happened but so little happened at the same time.

It was cool that this time because the world had already been setup so you kind of had an idea of what was going on. Still confusing as hell though. Also I don't know which ending was canon?!?!?!?! And the random encounters were really loud jumpscares everytime.

I was thinking while playing that this game could potentially be adapted into a really strange surrealist movie or something. The world-building is really interesting and neat

Queria dar oi pra Charlotte papo reto

This felt like a marked improvement on the first title in every single way. Excited to see what's in store for episode 3 considering almost everyone I've talked to about HC says it blows the previous two out of the water

This review contains spoilers

I used to be obsessed with this game! But now my feelings have turned a little? I think that this could've been a lot stronger and was stronger when I was the target demographic? But now it just feels stale, and I cringed a little replaying it.

Didn't think I would like this one so bad, but it really talks to me in many things
Kinda weak In RPG and puzzle because this isn't the focus, and actually would work better without them

Overall enjoyed this way more then EP 1 with this EP focusing heavily on the world and characters surrounding it and THANKFULLY getting rid of the stupid puzzles for the most part. I really feel like once I sat back and digested what I had just been through I was really able to appreciate this EP to a higher level once I dug deep into what this all really is about.

As with EP 1 I really love the art of this game and EP 2 continues to deliver on its LSD trippy art style which very much peaks my interest!

I will not get into spoilers but I will say I HIGHLY enjoyed the revelation this EP brought and it really spiked me enjoyment even higher and made me very excited to get into the final EP eventually.

This is a very well put together story that will keep you guessing , asking and pondering on what everything means.

Good lord what a mood whiplash this game is compared to the first one, I seriously have to replay the series sooner or later

this made me remmember things i didn't wanna remmember (compliment)

this game is truly an achievement. ep 2 expands everywhere where ep 1 left me asking, and boy what a world that unfolded from that humble demo. a cerebral force at times, and an achingly gorgeous coming of age story at others, this completely otherworldly yet so human parable of relationships, of identity, of happiness, of godhood was simply put a piece of art. there's just not enough i can say about this story, with the characters and their relationships being all so just captivating. all the little details, the fiercely intricate world built here that just screams character from every tile to every background. its a work of art. and without a doubt i will be thinking about it for a long time to come <3

eu tive uma jornada parecida

a proposta, a execução, os personagens, tudo parece simplesmente muito bem polido e bem encaixado, apesar de que não só parece, como de fato é, a evolução em arte, musica e direção é além de notável louvável, impacto técnico este que fica ainda mais forte quando se joga o ep 1 e logo depois este. Questionamentos levantados pelo jogo fazem seu jogador realmente refletir sobre a realidade que vivem, viveram e viverão no futuro, desde simples coisas como detalhes da ambientação que adaptam a uma realidade cruel que é a daquele mundo, como diretamente em ações de personagens e seus conceitos e discursos, tudo nesse jogo se coloca como uma narrativa cativante que consegue se fazer valer com muito menos tempo de jogo do que muitos outros, assim poderíamos dizer que Hello Charlotte Ep 2 fez um jogo similar a um conto muito bem escrito, digno de ser um clássico

nota pessoal: mudou minha vida, obrigada de verdade por essa obra prima Etherane, eu serei para sempre grata pelo que seu trabalho fez por mim

Better than the first ep, I found the school setting to be very enjoyable and creepy. Hi Vincent

My final thoughts on this game are on the third ep!