Reviews from

in the past

haven't played in a while but i remember it being pretty fun

I’m so ashamed to talk about it man

I was at the peak of my dinosaur phase back in the day

Still play it, pretty fun and casual. There's dinosaurs, why not?

Worse than Jurassic Park Builder so idk.

To get the T. Rex you either had to spend your soul grinding in the game or pay money, Brachiosaurus wasn't in the game at luanch and took a few years to add, and fighting is shit.

Shit game but i liked the dinosaurs

It’s got all the worst aspects of a mobile game, including ridiculous monetization, an absurd amount of waiting, and a tacked on PVP system that sucks.

To give you an idea of how much they milk you, there are two different subscriptions you can pay for, a battle pass every month or so, and a ton of little transactions here and there if you actually want the iconic dinos.

El juego estaba por el nivel de decente, pero joder, es que estan guapos los dinos

Build a park, create hybrids and battle your dinosaurs? Why not! You even get aquatic and ice age creatures.

This was the first game that I played on my tablet and I had a lot of fun back in the day. I have moved on from this game but I was always remember how this game made me closer to my family (as we all played it together).