Reviews from

in the past

Kind of standard auto-runner game pulling clear inspiration from other auto-runners of its time like Flappy Bird and Chrome Dino (use Firefox please).

The sound effects and art direction are solid, reminding me of those ZX Spectrum games I still haven't played with exception to our Maradona's favorite Fuck You Die Get Stabbed Piece of Shit Asshole Game game, and the game itself honestly does everything I can think of an auto-runner can do at this point, aside from having some kind of non-important plot like in Miles & Kilo. They're usually fairly simple games. This one's like that. No plot in this one. It doesn't need one.

My only real issue with it is that sometimes when you're in hitstop from making contact with an enemy and need to jump because you're also trying to avoid spikes on the ground, the game will eat your jump input and you'll take damage. :(

Fine enough little game though.

its like better flappy bid for edge lords... i like

Knight Terrors is one of my favorite indie games ever. I strongly recommend looking into it if you’re into infinite runners, or a ‘not so scary’ game to play on Halloween. Knight Terrors for the time and enjoyment I got out of it, is well worth the small asking price. FreakZone themselves are a very talented developer and I’ve had my eye on them and their projects since I first played Knight Terrors. If you don’t like short games, you should probably skip Knight Terrors, but if you’re fine with length for the asking price, hop on it as soon as possible.