Reviews from

in the past

I was hoping for a stronger narrative.

This is perhaps the worst game I ever played. From the animations, UI, controls, enemies, level design and so on, everything is done so wrong. Even games I consider bad have more redeeming quality than this. Even done this cheaply, this could have been made better... Probably. Regardless, there is nothing of value to get from this other than an easy Platinum. Otherwise, do not bother with it.

Stinky Platinum obtained in 36 minutes. I try to avoid kink shaming, but seek help.

Obviously it’s bad. If you’re reading this review it’s because you’ve learn of this from skimming PSN or watching YouTube runs. It’s basically a weekend build of a game for a freshman year game developer class. I do find some of the imagery bizarrely appealing, the way the character model move makes zero sense and this juat feels like some ethereal world from a nightmare or drug trip gone bad. Yeah, it’s not even a game, but something about it strikes me as oddly engrossing for the 10 minutes it lasts.

Horrible game in every aspect, except easy platinum. No reason to play it otherwise, save your time.

a long silent trek along a single-textured canyon. no palpable sign of your advancement but the slow-creeping growth of a massive structure in the distance. as you finally round the corner and view the structure in its totality, you marvel at about two dozen polygons—together representing an airship in the shape of a duck. you turn around. you consider the road back to the level EXIT sign. twenty minutes of have passed since you last saw it. twenty minutes idly holding the analog stick forward, occasionally dodge-rolling to break the monotony. refusing to dodge-roll for a few moments when the sticky momentum stop at the end of the roll animation begins to bother you at the base of your skull. you consider dodge-rolling all the way back. you turn back around. you stick-press a little closer to the airship duck. a gold playstation trophy dings into the upper right corner. a platinum playstation trophy alights in its place a moment later. you pause the game. you quit to the menu. you go do something else.

all this and more can be yours for only .49 USD.

i’m really getting my money’s worth out of this new PS5

Juego para obtener Platino fácil, nada más.