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jupiter are the smartest motherfuckers in the world for putting picross on the computer (aka the Steam Deck) and avoiding legal pursuit from nintendo by stapling doodle god into it and then finishing it off by putting in a nice and charming little fella with a big hat into the video game

One of the better Picross games there is, featuring over 300 puzzles and non-linear progression which gives you access to tons of different puzzles of varying difficulty right from the beginning. There are three assist options you can turn off for "no assist" rewards, so even if you're new to Picross I feel like this would be a great game. Granted, I haven't looked at the tutorial so I can't say whether it's good.

The game has a decent sense of progression, giving you new puzzles whenever you've completed a certain number of already available ones, and the artstyle helps a lot. Unlike a few other Picross game, this title doesn't look clinical and empty, instead featuring a strong sense of identity with its color scheme, music, and the presense of the mascot who's the central figure in the plot, as well as just a flavor text provider.

The only new thing this game does is that each puzzle turns into a card you can mix with other cards to create more puzzles according to clues given to you. For example "a place with fast-food" requires you to select fries and a burger, when something like "king of cats" needs a Cat and a Crown. Some are a bit more tricky, but it's not a hard or complicated process. It's also friendly if you're not into it, as not only every wrong card gets pointed out, but you have access to a hint as to what category you should look into. Granted, at the time of this review the hints are a bit buggy, as they only seem to function right when you only have one card left, as otherwise you'll be given a seemingly random assortment of categories. Despite the fact that it's the weakest aspect of the game, it breaks the pace of countless puzzling, which can help, and furthers a sense of progression.

Whenever you "craft" a puzzle wrong you might also receive a brand new random picross which in lore is described as a failed attempt at creating a picture by a game's mascot. It's a cute feature and pretty funny way to introduce a few puzzles that don't really look like anything because the wizard you talk to can't draw.

If there's one thing that bothered me a bit about actual picross is that the most complex puzzles - 40x30 - are way too big. Even when running the game in full screen those were just a chore to complete.

Other than massive puzzles, however, the game is great. It's decently challenging with very few puzzles requiring you to do a symmetrical object or the ones that pretty much give you the answer to how the borders should be arranged right away. It took me almost 40 hours to complete the game, and it seems like it might get even bigger, though I imagine not by much.

It's all fun and games 'till the 30x30 drops on you
Yeah, I would do it again 11/10

One of the best picross games out there, with a good variety of puzzle sizes, and hundreds of puzzles to solve. Unlike the Picross games, this game only has basic picross puzzles, no mega picross or color picross here. Also unlike the Picross games, this game is available on PC. It's a very polished experience, as expected of the developer, the king of Picross games. This game plays great on the Nintendo Switch.

The music is really nice to listen to, and I like the mascot character Emil. I figured he would be annoying after awhile, but at the end of everything I thought he was pretty cute. The frame story was unnecessary but a fun concept.

The fusing elements to create a puzzle feels a little tacked on, but it did provide a built-in stopping point for picross sessions for me. If it were up to me I would have tried to play all the puzzles in one session. As it was, it took a few weeks of playing before bed to complete the game, and I'm still working my way through the puzzles from the Kickstarter supporters.

I really enjoyed the 30x40 puzzles a lot. I do wish there were a few more puzzles of that size, but that's personal preference.

This game passes with flying colors in everything it set out to do. The fusing puzzles is the only part that felt a bit awkward, but ultimately I think it was an interesting attempt to add variety to the game, even if it didn't always work.

If you like Picross, you'll like this game. If you've never played Picross, this is a great place to start. If you don't like Picross, what are you doing here?

i could take or leave the little mascot (he's cute enough i guess), and sometimes the element-combining minigame is tedious, but the meat of this game is picross, which is always the same, and this game has a lot of puzzles to do, so it's great value for the money in an aesthetically pretty package

A really nice, chunky Picross entry! Probably my favorite so far, actually. I'm happy that it's available on PC, but I played it on Switch because it's a nice portable game. There's a very loose story featuring Emil, who's a delightful little guy. His commentary is cute and not particularly intrusive, so I kind of hope more theoretical Picross games feature him.

I like the little logic puzzles, even if they aren't particularly difficult. It's a cute detail, and I like that getting them wrong has a chance of giving you Emil's sad attempts at pixel art. It's a funny detail that made me smile. There are also a SHITLOAD of puzzles in this bad boy, counting the stuff in the grimoire as well as bonus puzzles put together by backers and Emil's fuckups. There are more of the big ol' puzzles than I'm used to seeing, with a not insignificant amount of 40 x 30 puzzles. It was a lot of fun to work on some chunky boys. I suppose it does come at the cost of not having Mega Picross, but I'm gonna be real, I don't actually like Mega Picross. I guess I wouldn't mind seeing them bring in Color or Clip Picross into a theoretical Logiart style follow up, but I think getting a game that focuses pretty strongly on the standard gameplay mode with more Big Boys than usual is fine by me.

Easily one of the best Picross games put out by Jupiter. Not to mention more content becoming available for it (Around March I think) from the huge support on Kickstarter! Supported it myself and can't wait to see my name in it :)

If you like Picross, you'll love this! :)

well-done nonogram game, and the fusion/unlocking system adds a little something-something to give the game a better feeling of progression