Reviews from

in the past

A fun little Hidden Object game with a neat style/theme.

Probably a little on the easy side but still a lot to look for. Some big cluttered levels also pad the time if you want to get all the achievements. The few color tones and art style at times make it easy to spot things, but a few other times it hides an object well. It's a complete style that works. The little goofy narrative moves each level to the next. You even pick up some world building references along the way that helps you decipher later clues. It's all subtle but adds a lot.

The most comparable game would be Hidden Folks. This is a lot more straightforward and way less annoying. From the clues, to the searching, to the sounds; It's just a more relaxed and pleasant experience than Hidden Folks. But they're both fun and if you liked Hidden Folks you'll like this. And if you like this, I'd recommend checking out Hidden Folks if you haven't.

I switched back and forth between desktop and the Steam Deck with trackpad/tapping. Neither were as smooth as they could be. The biggest clunky thing is that the zoom works in steps rather than being smooth. This makes the L1/R1 zoom "make sense" on Deck, but feels clunky and flat out wrong these days when scrolling a mousewheel. Desktop gives you more viewing real estate/size though. So I honestly had more fun on desktop despite feeling clunky. Works out of the box with Steam Deck though. You can turn TDP all the way down to 4W (3W gets noticeably more FPS drops). Really do wish the Deck had better touchscreen implementation in Game Mode for games like this. Stylus compatibility would be nice too. Ah well.

Big thumbs up. 7~8hrs of casual poking and clicking around for some loose change. I can dig it.

[copied from my Steam review]

Buscando a Wally con aliens y ciertas dosis de humor, pa echar un rato y poco más.

This game was fun but I don’t see myself coming back to it. I bought it on sale, played for a day or two and have moved on from it.

Where's Wally? inspired games are always welcome, but I feel like this one isn't my favorite. Hidden Folks did a better take, even Hidden Through Time did, in my opinion. But still, it was entertaining.