Reviews from

in the past

i don't have much to say about this "game" other than it reminds me a lot of going on roblox and playing old places made from 2011 and earlier but less coherent and with an obviously apparent dream like quality to them. this isn't a game i plan on playing all of at once, but i enjoy what it is quite a bit and do see myself coming back to it often.

one of the best drugs out ther- wait this a game?

guy who has only watched sion sono films this is giving me sion sono vibes

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i walked into a fireplace that then teleported me into an alleyway where i stumbled upon bloody corpses which then teleported me to some ancient temple and i ended my dream by jumping into a bottomless pit. this is awesome

ummm WTF this game is so trippy.... O_o

A fun odd novelty. Enjoyable minimalism. Not a fan of the game interruptingvyou constantly the second you bump into a wall through.

Weird Lucid Dream.

Never inclined to play it until the end. But for what I've played, gives me weird 2010's unity indie game vibe. Or the closest thing Yume Nikki could've been in 3D.

I'll write an actual review at some point. This game is awesome.

its fun to walk around in for a while but it gets kinda boring because you see the same thing over and over again ionly played for 10 hours or so so maybe it gets better later.

This game fascinates me. It's still fun to jump in and experience some weirdness every now and then. I wish there were more like it.

never done a full year on here but soon and also i would die to have a physical copy

dude weird games like theses RULE!! this game was made for the fun and silliness of it and I respect that. The music is silly :3 and I just love the weirdness and fun of finding out whats next. If everyone made a video game out of love it would be awesome to see what everyone would make.

Played this while high and listening to i@sia with ambient sound. Couldn't tell the difference between the album sounds and game sounds. I don't know if this game meant anything, but perhaps the lack of meaning is what brings out its meaning to us. 3/6

esse jogo é fascinante, literalmente um walking simulator mas ainda consegue te surpreender, bem quando vc acha que já tá acostumado com a bizarrice do jogo acontece algo ainda mais bizarro

não sei explicar porquê mas esse jogo me da um certo medo, principalmente na cidade e em Kyoto, o jogo todo tem uma vibe desconcertante pra mim

Exploring the 3D artifacts in each dream was cool...then my ps3 died and I was unable to explore no more (barracks settlement theme)

this game is cool. i like to boot it up from time to time and say im gonna play for only 10 minutes but end up spending maybe an hour on it. it doesnt really take long for you to experience pretty much everything the game has to offer, but i dont think that really matters since its still always cool and weird no matter what. the format of the game doesnt really let you get literally "lost" in its world, but if youre in the right headspace you can definitely get lost in a different way

O conceito e estética desse jogo me atraem de tal forma que eu preciso de mais experiências desse tipo.

Super Mario Bros Wonder giving this some competition

indie games come out every day that try and fail to capture even half of the magic in this game

It's not just a game. It's a perplexing yet fascinating interactive experience full of surprises along the way. It's certainly one of those experiences you'll never forget. It's the kind of experience that begs the question "why". It's best left to be said by summarising the whole thing in just a sentence:

What the fuck even is this experience?

Whatever it was, it's the sort of one that's definitely without a doubt worth experiencing.

For such an interesting and unusual game, this sucks dick. a lot of dick. it gives me a headache from the abrasive colors, and the snail speed movement is a new level of boring. it's scary for 5 minutes before becoming agonizing. still is a very interesting game. you're better off watching a video about this one.

The accuracy with which LSD: Dream Emulator depicts the chaos, beauty, and depravity of dreams is unmatched.

didn't make me feel anything, maybe it will for you though

weird artsy little game i guess. used 2 play this a lot as a kid due to all yt vids made about it.
it's an abstract walking simulator, but it doesnt have any storyline, there isnt much to it other than just walking around and seeing whatever weird shit osamu sato thought of, or dreamed about i guess? lol
i liked eastern mind better, ngl. this one is more bizzare and it has that 90s psx feel i really dig, but eastern mind has more of an storyline and interesting stuff to do.