Reviews from

in the past

Started off okay: Great atmosphere, nice game design, neat little puzzles.

Unfortunately, it fell flat rather quickly. Different story lines scrambled together with no real connection between them, tied to locations that also... have nothing to do with each other.

The game soon managed to destroy the carefully crafted (and honestly, pretty scary!) atmosphere by turning into a jump scare simulator half-way through.

And I guess we should also talk about the protagonist. The voice acting just isn't very good. In fact, he sounds close to tears at any given moment, his comments are annoying and often of little value. The devs seemed to know this, too, since they included an option to mute him. Which is pretty funny, ngl.

This could have been great but in the end, "Madison" is just another forgettable indie horror title.

L'horror più spaventoso mai giocato, nel mio non troppo ampio bagaglio sul genere, sia grazie alla qualità del gioco stesso, sia perché ha, dei fin troppo abusati, jumpscare randomici e procedurali che mortacci vostri se non vengo a tirarvi cazzotti dietro le orecchie. Comunque un faretto, insieme a Tormented Souls, in questo periodo e panorama di horror indie abbastanza cagosi.

The horror genre has become the adventure game genre, and this game is no exception. Scary? Sure. Fun to play with friends? Sure. Worth any of your mindspace at any point in time outside of playing it? Not at all.

lo vendían como uno de los juegos más terroríficos de los últimos años y resulta estar lleno de sustos pobres y una ambientación más que vista en su género. La historia es algo genérica.
Visage hace las cosas bien en comparación.

I found this game by chance in a second hand store and decided to try it out, the atmosphere is amazing and the gameplay is almost perfect — I absolutely love how truly horrific this game is from the scares down to the setting of which it is in. My only regret is playing this at 3am because I was not prepared to be scared so much by it. Lol.

Tudo que eu queria no Visage temos nesse jogo, perfeito.

Pretty standard Post PT horror game with some great puzzles and concepts but many parts that really aren’t connected well

Still if your looking for a good scare this game is pretty good choice.

'Madison' frustrated more than it frightened. Some of the puzzles are very obtuse so you're left wondering, at times, what the game is even asking of you. Layer on top of that the game's many glitches that prevent your progression but let you continue playing. This is a terrible combination. Sometimes, I would solve the puzzle correctly and nothing would happen in response. So, I would wander the entire house trying to figure out what I was missing. Then, so convinced I did everything correct, I'd consult the internet and learn, yes, I was correct, and yes, the game was glitched. Luckily, a hard reset was all that was ever required to get the game moving again. But damn you can't have puzzles this obtuse AND progression-blocking glitches.

I didn't think 'PT' was a very good game, so I'm not all that thrilled with this trend in 'PT' knockoffs. But there are indeed some very effective jump scares in 'Madison.' Close to the end, they are so frequent and so jarring that I swear I worried for the health of my heart.

I hate it and that's why it's great. The part in the room with all the clocks was crazy

Terrorífico. El juego que más ha puesto a prueba mi sistema nervioso junto con Alien Isolation. Ambientación y ritmo sublimes. Lo he pasado genial mientras el juego me lo hacía pasar fatal. Absoluto juegazo. “Blue knees is real” 👌🏻

che ansia giosu x1000, sicuramente uno degli horror più spaventosi mai creati