Reviews from

in the past

I'd stay up until 5 in the morning playing yhis game it's so much fun. I'm heavily interested in the professional community of this game (yes that exists)
The roster is fucking nuts actually it makes my mitubh water to look at. King K Rool in a Mario game is such a stranfe sight.
The gameplay is so much fun and I'll die if they ever majke another installment in this very small series

The single player campaign mode was actually pretty fun, despite having to run around and backtrack a bunch. Solving each area with its unique theme, and then seeing the nighttime versions of the courses, was quite fun. Favorites were Bowser Jr and Yoshi's theme parks. Also, got a lot of mileage out of playing Toy Field multiplayer. Kept returning to this one over the years!

This and Mario Strikers Charged are my favorite Mario sports games of probably all time. This game is incredibly fun and I wish they just re-released it as it is, because I really want to revisit it, but I'm too lazy to take my Wii out of the hell dimension.

Love the character roster, love the stadiums, the different gimmicks and special moves, the story mode is actually pretty neat and the whole idea of stadiums changing depending on wether it is day or night time is such a cool concept!

The ones who don't get why people get so passionately angry at the newer Mario sports games did not get to experience them when they were THIS good. These games used to have soul and actually tried to be great games on their own, I miss that like you cannot imagine.

Any game that I had fun with as a kid and that my friends still enjoy playing today already starts at 3 and a half stars for me. This game has so much love put into it and it is amazing how much fun can be had when there is really only one game mode I care about. This game has a great roster and there are so many hidden gems such as Toadsworth. (As soon as I learned how good of a pitcher he is I managed to piss off my friend so bad that he jumped on me in real life). You can play without RNG, but having a little bit is a fun way to add some variety to the game and get angry reactions from friends which is always fun. Even the single player campaign is fun. My friends who grew up with it get a lot more out of it than anyone new to the game. Other party games that I have feel more accesable to new players. That is a very minor gripe, however, and the game still deserves a very high rating.

Its baseball but with all of the standard mario fun packed in. I never played the original so I wouldnt know if its better or worse, but this game is good, not amazing but good.

A dull reskin of power baseball that wasn't able to grab me even after an hour of playtime. Not being a fan of the sport probably didn't help.

they went too crazy on this game and 10 year old me appreciated that.

This was MY childhood game

I still have a strong memory from the late 2000s of getting 49-0 against the final boss and bragging about it to my dad. My arm was sore the next day.

I forgot that Mario sports games can be good. Mario Super Sluggers is an incredibly well crafted baseball game with tons of replayability and depth leading to a well rounded game with small issues.

To start with praises, I love how good Baseball feels to play in this game. Mario sports games are supposed to add whacky fun to normal sports and it's no different here. Both fielding and batting feel great and the addition of motion controls kinda work for me. There's a ton of the depth to this game with pitching and fielding that can completely change in the game if you know what your doing which I love. And I love how big the character roster is.

However, the story mode is a bit of a let down. It's a point and click adventure that just teaches you the mechanics of the game which is kinda lame. And unfortunately the CPU's aren't as well balanced as I wish they could be.

Overall, a great sports game that works both in single player and multiplayer that is only bogged down by a lackluster story mode. A - tier.

this is unironically good lmao

This is an amazing sports game, and quite possibly one of the best Mario sports games. Mario Super Sluggers is the follow-up title to Mario Superstar Baseball, adding tons of content that the first missed out on. More characters, more modes and the best story mode one of these types of games has ever had. The amount of content in this game is stunning, beating out most of Camelot's Mario Tennis and Golf games. There is heavy use of the Wii's motion controls, but I don't actually think they are bad for in this at all. In fact, they work quite well. Props to the developers for putting tons of effort into making this an easy to play and fun baseball sim.

Got so competitive with it my arm is now sore. Thanks Luigi for doing shit for my team.

I am logging EVERY game this year. Including the randos. This one’s a half rando since it used to be a big Youngbaseddemigod game and I just got it to work again after 6 years. Another simple but awesome title for 2024. What’s there to say really? It’s Mario baseball, the equivalent to every other Mario sports game but baseball. I’ll add that I love the “story” mode. Nintendos magnum opus blows every other game I reviewed and their stories out of the water no question. Nah I’m playing, but it’s still a cute mode. Every main character has their own little area and familiar characters associated with them which you have to collect (I am quite partial to the giant donkey kong area, finally some respect.) But yeah, looks cool, has pretty good sound design and tunes, cool mini games, great time at a party. Nothing but a great time to be found with this semi underrated gem!

shake the wii remote: the game. I liked this game a lot when I was a kid, but when I came back to it with my brother and we realized just how much wagglin we were really doing it took a bit of the excitement away. The game is also pretty broken in terms of game balance, it's WAYYYY too easy to crack home run after home run. I think the presentation of the game is cool though, the roster has a lot of interesting characters to make your team out of, and you can even play during both the day and night which I always thought was cool. The stadiums to play in are super unique with fun gimmicks and aesthetics in each of them. It's a fun mario baseball game, but not as good as its predecessor.

A friend and I beat the story with only the first batch of characters. It was the highest stakes game of baseball I have ever played in my life. 10/10 would play again.

The "Story" mode in this game carries + all the attention they put into the characters unique stats

i was actually CRACKED at this in 2008

This has less consistent motion controls and physics than Wii Sports baseball, which released two years earlier

kamek can hit more homers in a game than any mlb batter could during an entire season

this is the best mario game of all time

played through emulation without a wiimote so couldn't play the campaign but the game is super fun. childhood classic

Brazil acknowledging the existence of Mario Super Sluggers is everything I needed

BEST CAST IN A MARIO GAME JEEZZZZ fun gameplay too DAMNN great ost too PHEWWWW we heart

i used to beat my shitty brother in this game so its good