Reviews from

in the past

(Part 2 of 4)

It may be pretty outdated compared to future titles in the series, and it does have a lot of problems weighing down, but for how fun it was and from my own personal experiences with it, I still consider the original Mega Man to be a really fun game that I can return to at any time, and I would still have a pretty good time with it. And hey, I’m not alone in thinking that, as many critics at the time the game was released agreed with that sentiment, but despite how critically successful the game was, it didn’t help out in its sales, to where after not making the numbers that they had wanted, Capcom was ready to move on from Mega Man and focus on other titles instead(sounds familiar, doesn’t it?). However, Akira Kitamura, the original director and creator of the series, had wanted to make a sequel either way, and after requesting permission to create a sequel several times, Capcom would finally allow him and his team to do so, on one condition: they had to develop it simultaneously with all of the other titles they wanted them to work on, meaning that the game essentially needed to be made on their free time. They accepted these terms, and thus, just one and a half years later, we would then get this sequel in the form of Mega Man 2.

If you have heard anything about Mega Man at any point in your life, chances are it has something to do with this game, as out of all of the titles in the entire series, this is one many hold in the highest regards. It is considered to be one of, if not THE best game in the entire series, not only because it perfected the original formula to become much more fun, addicting, and approachable than before, but also, until Mega Man 11 came out, it was the best selling game in the entire series, selling over 1.5 million copies, which, for an NES game, is pretty damn impressive. While I wouldn’t consider it to be the best game of the classic series, and while I think the hype it gets maybe a liiiiiiiiiiitle too overblown, I can safely say that the game definitely deserves the reputation it got, as it is absolutely fantastic. It may not have some of the additions that later games would bring to the series, and it may not change much from the original, but it still manages to be incredibly fun all the same, and it stands as the best entry the series has ever had on the NES.

The story is fairly basic compared to what the original game had set up, where Dr. Wily is back at it yet again, this time with his own set of eight Robot Masters specifically programmed to cause chaos and destruction across the world, so it is up to Mega Man to set out once again to take him down, which is a pretty basic plot for a sequel, but hey, it’s a good enough story that you can easily get behind, and that’s all you really need. The graphics are almost identical to that of the original game, except it is not a lot more colorful, varied, and visually pleasing with the designs of the characters, enemies, and bosses, so that’s good, the music is incredible, having some of the best music that any NES game has to offer, and I only need to show you one song in particular to prove my point (even if it is an obvious choice), and the control/gameplay is almost identical to that or the original game as well, except not only is that traction situation from the original taken care of here, but the gameplay is also much more fun as well, even if not much has changed.

The game is a 2D action platformer, where you take control of Mega Man once again, go through a set of eight main levels before taking on a final Dr. Wily castle full of its own set of levels, run, jump, and shoot your way through many more obstacles, enemies, and platforming challenges using whatever best applies to the situation, get plenty of health items, weapon ammunition, and special upgrades to your aresenal to help you out along the way, and take on plenty of skillful opponents, including the eight Robot Masters, so that you can gain their weapons and use them for your own use for whatever may lie ahead. Most of what you get here is pretty much exactly the same as the original game, so for those of you who liked the original game, you will be able to jump right into this one and love it, because not only is it much better designed and more fun than the original, but the small changes that were made do add a lot to the overall experience.

Like I mentioned before, the game feel a lot better to control, with your movement, jumping, and shooting feeling just right as you go through all of these levels, and many of the challenges that you will face are simple enough to approach, while not feeling like a pain in the ass to get through (with one or two exceptions here or there). In addition to this, the game manages to be more approachable as well, not only with the inclusion of a brand new password system, but also with the option to choose your own difficulty for the game… at least, in the western version of the game, that is. For Japan, they only got one standard difficulty, but for us over here, the normal difficulty was marked as Difficult Mode, and right alongside that is an easy mode that is labeled as Normal Mode. Personally, I don’t think the Difficult Mode is that much harder than the Normal Mode, but I do like the fact that the option is there at all, making this one of the best games to start with in the franchise, as well as one that is great for replayability. There’s not really much more I can say that has changed from the original, but despite the lack of major change, the game still has plenty of fun challenges, exciting boss fights, and plenty of challenges to get through that feel satisfying to conquer.

Despite how heavily praised this game is as a whole, I wouldn’t say it is perfect by any means. First of all, like the original game, the special weapons, for me anyway, aren’t too useful outside of boss fights, with the only real exception being the Metal Blade, a weapon that is extremely overpowered and can easily be used to take care of practically any situation. As for all of the other weapons though, they are either completely situational, or just not that handy to use. Aside from that though, there is one other part of the game that I have never liked that much, and that would be Wily Stage 3. The stage itself isn’t too bad, but it does feature some annoying elements, such as these invisible gaps in the floor in the beginning of the stage, these long conveyor belts that you have to ride on in order to make it down to the end, and to top it all off, it also has the worst boss in the entire game, the Boobeam Trap. The boss itself isn’t too deadly, with it just being a bunch of orbs on the walls that sometimes shoot at you, but the problem is that in order to defeat it, you need to use the Crash Bomber, a weapon with very little ammunition, meaning you have to navigate around this room and use it only when absolutely necessary, which means that if you end up using it too many times, you are FUCKED, and you have to get a game over just so that you can get your ammo back. Yeah, the rest of the game is aces, but I don’t see how anyone can defend a boss like that.

Overall, despite a lack of major changes and Wily Stage 3 being a giant stain on this otherwise perfect game, Mega Man 2 is still a fantastic sequel to the original game, and a wonderful game all on its own, bringing plenty of much needed fixes and touches to what the original game had introduced, while also still being very fun and satisfying to blast through. I would absolutely recommend it for those who are fans of the Mega Man series, as well as those who are looking for a place to start, because aside from other entries like Mega Man 11, this is one of the best places that you could start and get accustomed to what this series has to offer. Although, before we end this off, I have to bring up the cover art that the game originally had, which isn’t as bad as the original, but… jesus christ, why did it take so long for these to get good? My man looks like he is a cosplayer rather than a super fighting robot, and Dr. Light is fondling Crash Man’s ass, which nobody needs to see!

Remake #9

This game would be so much better without the Wily Stages.

A definite improvement over the first game, with more interesting level design and boss fights which can be cheesed just as easily thanks to the weapon abilities, but it is also more difficult especially near the end with the last few boss fights.

Is it Just me Or has Metal Man's Weapon been Nerfed?

It's fine. I enjoyed this game up until the Wily stages which are very poorly designed. If you removed those this could have been an 8/10. A shame really.