Reviews from

in the past

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no summer zero

This game is fanservice in every sense of the word and its great.

Also someone at Capcom is relentlessly horny I swear.

Este juego es una porqueria para avanar, al ser pay to win. Lamentablemente entré al juego cuando estaban a punto de cerrar los servidores, así que prácticamente le hice un Speed run para acabarlo y con hacks. Sencillamente es dedicarle demasiadas horas cuando bien puede durar solo 20h y es disfrutable.
Juego completo al 100%.

Mega Man but a Gacha Mobile Game. Idk what really else to tell you.

Marketed as a celebration of the 'Mega Man X' series, this so-called game is in fact an exploitation of the series and of the franchise in general. It controls like ass and the gacha system was either completely busted or explained so poorly as to render it all useless. The game did do some intriguing things eventually such as the existence of Iris Alter but it ultimately served little purpose other than the blatant monetization of nostalgia.

The game rots now in a shallow grave, forgotten by the masses it exploited. Who says there's no justice in this world?